Why is it not possible for me to restore a backup ?

I use CCleaner already a few months and haven't had a problem with it until now. Today however I thought something went wrong after cleaning the registery with the Problems module. Although it turned out later that it had nothing to do with CCleaner, I first tried to do a restore, but that didn't go. When I right-clicked on the backup and on Merge, I got the following message (I translate it in English from Dutch, so it may not be exact):

"Can not import. Not all data are written to the registry. Some keys are used by system or other processes".

I also tried it in Safe Mode, but with the same result.

Although I didn't need to do the backup, I still would like to know what is going wrong for later use.

Thanks in advance.

I use CCleaner already a few months and haven't had a problem with it until now. Today however I thought something went wrong after cleaning the registery with the Problems module. Although it turned out later that it had nothing to do with CCleaner, I first tried to do a restore, but that didn't go. When I right-clicked on the backup and on Merge, I got the following message (I translate it in English from Dutch, so it may not be exact):

"Can not import. Not all data are written to the registry. Some keys are used by system or other processes".

I also tried it in Safe Mode, but with the same result.

Although I didn't need to do the backup, I still would like to know what is going wrong for later use.

Thanks in advance.

Hi rijinton,

What OS are you running?


One more thing. Have you tried to merge the keys as an Administrator? If if works reboot after merging.


Hi rijinton,

What OS are you running?


One more thing. Have you tried to merge the keys as an Administrator? If if works reboot after merging.


Thanks krit86lr,

My OS is Windows XP with SP2. I am the only user and always logged in as Administrator.

Thanks krit86lr,

My OS is Windows XP with SP2. I am the only user and always logged in as Administrator.

Does it tell you what keys won't merge? It sounds like the keys are already in your registry if they're being used. Some applications will re-register themselves when you use them.

If it tells you what keys won't merge you can check your registry to see if the keys are already there. It's possible.


Thanks again.

It doesn't tell me what keys. But thinking about it I remember that some keys are reported every time again, no matter whether I delete them or not. So I think you are right.

Hi Rijnton,

If you're interested you can try this. I've never used it myself, but it has been suggested on multipe forums (that's the only reason I'm suggesting something I've never used). Read the information carefully because I don't know any tips to give you on the program.

Registry First Aid

Description: "If you are having problems with the Microsoft Windows Registry or want to ensure that you keep it fine tuned and error free, then you could find this useful."


Thanks again.

It doesn't tell me what keys. But thinking about it I remember that some keys are reported every time again, no matter whether I delete them or not. So I think you are right.

I'm glad that registration seems to be the issue.

Option 1: If you want to be sure can run an Issues Scan > note the commonly occurring keys > Fix Issues/Create backup. Then immediately restore the backup. (This will determine whether or not the backup is working for you)

Option 2: Run an Issues Scan > right click one of the common occurring keys > choose open in RegEdit. If it's an application that you use sometimes then you can be sure that it's re-registering itself.

Hope this helps!

K :)