I'm a new CCleaner user and would appreciate if someone smarter than I can answer a few questions.
1- When I do the analysis before cleaning, it tells me it found a certain amount to be cleaned, but afterwards, the amount actually cleaned is about half. For instance, if the analysis says it found 94MB to be removed, after, it tells me it actually removed 48 MB. Why is this? Are there some files that cannot be removed?
2- I see advertisments for programs like Evidence Eliminator that claim to get to deeply hidden files that other programs do not reach. Does it get to and remove files that CCleaner doesn't? And if it true that "every single webpage, pop-up, e-mail, etc." is actually saved somewhere in the computer, where are these files? And why, after a year of browsing 1000's of webpages that must add up to hundreds of Gigs, why hasn't my hard drive run out of room?
3- After running the cleaner and removing several hundred MB of files (primarily from the caches), why don't I see a commensurate increase in my available hard drive space when I go to "My Computer"?
4- One last, related question: I just uninstalled a large program (Links golf 2001- with added courses and such, over 2.5 GB). Why is there no commensurate increase in my available disc space when I go to "My Computer," even after a reboot?
Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my questions.