Why does call from gpedit.msc at user logoff not work for CCLeaner?

I want to let CCleaner AUTOMATICALLY run at user logoff event and at shutdown.

NO, I don't want to use the /SHUTDOWN cmdline flag because

- This would require one more shortcut icon on my desktop

- I could accidentially forgot to click it and use the traditional "shutdown" in START menu

- I have to explain the new shutdown shortcut method to other people using the computer

- /SHUTDOWN does not work when user just switches but not full shutdown is performed

So gpedit.msc is normally the best place to put such a logoff/shutdown task (see attached snapshot).


Surprisingly it seems to me that CCleaner64 (under 64bit Win7) does only perform

certains tasks (e.g. wiping Internet Temporary files) but not all (e.g. Cookies are NOT wiped).


Is there a way to tell CCleaner to show automatically up its main (progress) window at runtime?

Currently it does its (partial) job silently in background at shitdown/logoff time.


Do you have ccleaner configured to delete cookies? It will only delete what your default profile has selected for deletion.

Do you have ccleaner configured to delete cookies? It will only delete what your default profile has selected for deletion.

Yes, I have.

It works if I call it at startup but not at shutdown