Why did Ccleaner Delete files from windows.old folder?

Any particular reason Ccleaner would delete contents from a window.old folder?

I've been using Ccleaner for a while now, so I'm familiar with the program. I'm on a fresh install of Windows 7. Installed the latest Ccleaner downloaded from piriform. All the check box setting were at default, which I leave alone. No folders were in the include list.

However, Ccleaner was deleting stuff from windows.old. I was wondering why it was taking abnormally long. I went to check it out and caught it in the act before it could finish the folder off. Ccleaner said it was deleting the contents from the recycling bin with a file path of C:\Windows.old\Users\Administrator\Desktop when I caught it. All my important files were backed up. So I let Ccleaner keep running, and I went to the folder real quick were the files were at. I watched couple files get deleted out of the folder before I stopped it. I haven't deleted any files from the windows.old folder prior to running Ccleaner. That's how I knew something wasn't right. I ran Recuva and its mind boggling all the stuff it deleted out of that directory. Any ideas why this would happen?

C:\Windows has dozens of reparse points

Windows.old has the same again but with the TREMENDOUS problem they do not point at where their original destinations have been relocated to,

but to the previous home where your working New Windows Files are held.

Reparse Points have weird and wacky Access restrictions to allow you to see but hopefully not delete the contents of the destinations.

These Access Restrictions are inconsistent and probably in some instances fallible to a normal deletion, and unlikely to withstand a Secure Deletion.

Hence if all or parts of Windows.old were in the recycle bin and if CCleaner securely deleted the recycle bin contents,

the operating system would redirect that pain and anguish into itself.

I started with a CLEAN install of Windows 7 and the previous installation is no more.

I guess you have a REPAIR install.

Are the benefits of retaining the "Old Windows" worth the waste of free space and the risks of reparse points ?