Which Classical Composer are you?

Hi :)

I'm not sure if anybody else on this forum is as 'classical musically' minded as I am ;) but I found this pretty fun to do:

'Which Classical Composer are you?' Quiz

I'm Wagner apparently :lol:


hey mitternacht_engel..tried out tat survey and i got philip glass... :D ..anywho,wat classical music u into?

Hi :)

Classical music is my absolute passion, so I love it all! Particularly Wagner, Brahms, Richard Strauss, Beethoven, Mahler, Chopin, Handel, Gorecki, Saint-Saens etc etc etc!!

At the moment i'm obsessed with the Beethoven Violin Concerto and Brahms 1st Piano Concerto lol


You are:

Franz Schubert

This master of the short song was also a top-notch symphonist.

You are:

Franz Schubert

This master of the short song was also a top-notch symphonist.

Schubert was the greatest songwriter who ever lived. Bar none.

I am....

Johann Sebastian Bach

Only a hundred years after his death was he recognized as possibly the profoundest musical genius of all time.

I agree with the above statement. He's my favourite composer, by a wide margin.