Where is offline defragmentation option?

I just downloaded the portable version of v2.00.230. According to the what's new it now supports offline defragmentation, which is great.

However, I cannot find the option! Where/how do you initiate an offline defragmentation (where, if I understand the term correctly, the files which cannot be defragmented within Windows get defragmented during a Windows boot up)?



I dont know for sure, since I only used the beta, but I think this option is labeled incorrectly!

When I first saw it, I was excited as well, no more booting into safe mode and even then disabling shell and services to run as TRUE of an offline defrag as possible... (was using MyDefrag beforehand) but no such luck so far

Again, I think its totally mislabeled, the option is in "Settings" under "Boot Time Defrag" is the only thing REMOTELY close to "Offline Defrag", but then again, it only defragments specific core system files... not he whole disk like I (and you apparently) was hoping Q_Q

Yeah. I also think that "Offline defrag" means defragging specific core system files at bootup time.

SOLUTION! The offline defrag option is not included in the portable version. This is not made clear on the website as far as I can see.

I suppose I can understand why it's not in the portable version, though I quite like having portable utility apps on my hard drive so they don't clutter up the registry etc.. Guess on this occasion I'll just have to install the standard version instead. :(


Guess on this occasion I'll just have to install the standard version instead. :(

Delete a file portable.dat from a directory program and it will work even in the portable version ;)