Where has all my free space gone so suddenly?

Well folks I need some advice please.

I've just seen a warning sign from Win 10 stating that I'm running out of drive space on my System-Apps drive C. I'm running Win 10 - 64Bit upgrade from Win 8.1 with no issues at all. The 120GIG SSD partitions: System reserved: 350MB System & Apps: 111.01GIG Recovery Partition: 450MB

The drive is a Samsung 120GIG SSD and last night I know that of 111GIG main partition I had 30GIG free. I've painstakingly checked all my Directories/folders etc. including hidden & system folders and they add up to only approx. 84GIG - the details are

Windows: 18.6GIG

Public: 52.0MB

Users: 7.8GIG

Program Data: 42.8GIG

Program Files (x86): 6.0GIG

Program: 2.3GIG

Boot: 280MB

$Windows~WS: 5.8GIG

This totals just under 84GIG so I've lost some 27GIG

Does anyone have any Ideas? Because I'm not sure where to look next..............I know it'e probably a simple answer but I'll plead having a senior moment.

Have a read of the last post here.


That's just a quick idea as I've just come on forum.

Thanks hazelnut for the suggestion and I have read the post which I shall store in the "necktop" PC however I think I may have found the culprit..........

My security SW "webroot" which I have no complaints so far, (just waiting on them to reply with advice) because it appears their SW created a database file db18431.db in their WRData sub directory under C:\Program\Data whilst I was away shopping for food (including wine which I'm now drinking while I wait for Tech support).

This db file was............wait for it a MASSIVE 36,981,566kb......36.9gig.

No wonder I lost my free space. Thankfully as I backup drive C complete with Macrium Reflect every day at 11.00am I can restore to yesterday if my phone support is to long coming. I'm lucky that I have additional 6.0TB of hDD space available for these daily backup's. I usually keep just 20 of them then delete the last 10 every 10 days or so.

Normally these db files are only small, not sure just what happened this time time but only time will tell. I shall let you know the outcome (if any) other than a Reflect restore..........I Love Macrium. :D


You are not alone with that issue


Wow and I thought I had it rough, looks like an major bug, perhaps I'll not renew my subs which is due in just 4 weeks.............thanks for the info hazelnut you're a Jem, Ill drink a nice Chardonnay on your behalf. :) :D

Just passing info along :)

Enjoy the drink Tas !!

. . .

thanks for the info hazelnut you're a Jem, Ill drink a nice Chardonnay on your behalf. :) :D

Be careful, Tas, that you're not so far gone so mellow that you call the support guy Hazelnut. :lol:

login123..................lol, lol, lol............you missed your vocation, you should have been a comedian..........that was and still is a very funny line, and worth remembering (I only had 2 glasses)

Well back to webroot, my question to them was a simple one "can I delete the 36.9gig DB file?" after several e-mails following their data gathering from my PC by running an executable DB app, their only suggestion (not an answer to my question) was to uninstall and re install webroot app. following a set of instructions (7 steps) and report back if this does not fix the problem......Yeah right........

So I put my solution into play..........throw caution to the wind and delete the 36.9gig DB file. Now reboot the PC.

Job done, no problems or issues yet, and I've got my free space on my HDD back again. I also have my Macrium Reflect restore disc at the ready.

I will however be purchasing Avast Premium in 46 days time when my webroot secure anywhere runs out. There are to many users out there with the same re-occurring problem.

Is anyone of our forum members out there using Avast Premier? if so I would appreciate your thoughts please.

I will however be purchasing Avast Premium in 46 days time when my webroot secure anywhere runs out.

Do you by any chance have Aladdin/Sentinel HASP License Manager installed on your computer (viewable by looking in Add/Remove Programs)? It's a sort of popular DRM/protection installed by some commercial software. Only curious because you seem to purchase your security software and perhaps you do the same with other software too. The reason I brought it up is there's an incompatibility Avast has had for years since way back to version 5 with HASP License Manager which can make a system unbootable into the Windows normal mode meaning Safe Mode would have to be used to uninstall Avast in order to allow the system to be bootable again into normal mode.

Andavari I have completed an exhaustive search and the only thing I was able to find was reference to "Sentinel.v3.5Client.dll" which I'm told is part of Microsoft® .NET Framework and developed by Microsoft Corporation.

No mention of Aladdin/Sentinel HASP License Manager using either Win 10's uninstall app, CCleaner tools section and the latest version of Everything which is where I picked up reference to Sentinel.v3.5Client.dll

Other than that do you have any comment regarding the full paid version of Avast Premium? I've only ever used the free version on previous non mission critical PC's.

Tas Windows Defender on Win 10 is very strong. Don't be misled by references to MSE etc.

Coupled with Smart Screen Filter it's a pretty strong combo, it's free, and doesn't have any comflicts with the OS.

Just a thought.

I haven't used Avast for many years due to me having a commercial software installed that requires the Sentinel HASP License Manager. The one you mention that's a part of .NET Framework is something different.

I'm in agreement with Hazelnut, give Windows Defender a try as you may be surprised and save a little money (if you don't like it try that Avast Premium), couple it with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for layered security.

I hate to be the wet blanket at this Windows Defender love-fest but figured it'll be an opportune time to ask.

To the users of Windows Defender - just how different, and probably the real question is how much better, is Windows Defender under Win10 compared to the old previously named Windows Defender on previous Windows version and also compared to Microsoft Security Essentials.

My belief was, despite the name changes, the fundamental engine for them all has not changed too significantly.

And if that's true, and you can believe all the reviews and publications ever printed, then the Microsoft offering is still reasonable poor.

Or to spin it another way, taking personal bias out of the equation, the Microsoft security program is the worst of the bunch.

For example, I remember recently reading (but I think pre-Win10 time) an article ranking the years batch of AV software and where it placed Norton's, and McAfee etc. in the 90% effectiveness ranges, it always put MS stuff in the 70% range.

So taking that as a guide, why would anyone who knew that info bother with Defender these days?

Just curious as to actual users experiences.

That's why there's the recommendation of layered security! I personally wouldn't just install an antivirus of any brand rather it be free or paid and think I'm well protected, I know to put other scanning software on the system be it Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, SuperAntiSpyware, ClamWin Antivirus (since it's non-resident), etc. Doesn't matter how good/effective one product is because it will always miss something even if it's rated the highest or among the best.

Thanks to all who kindly offered their opinions which I have taken on-board.

Layered security is what I consider I have at present. Currently using Webroot SecureAnywhere (paid for), Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (free ver.) and SpywareBlaster (free ver.) Whilst I've usually had MS Defender running also Webroot disables Defender and also uses it's own firewall. Similar SW plus Spybot I currently use on the Win 7 box.

Your collective comments will see me spend more time considering/reading/researching prior to the expiry of my Webroot app and perhaps try layering some of the free SW first then perhaps giving Avast Premier a run.

Thanks once again to all, much appreciated