When will CCleaner work in Windows Vista Build 5472 or RC1?

Dear CCleaner Administrator,

Just wonder when CCleaner will work in Windows Vista Beta 2 Build 5472 or RC1? I have tested it in Vista Build 5384.4 and 5472.5, it install but the cleaning doesn't work properly.

Looking forward to hear from you. Thank you.



I second this. It does not work correct in buld 5600 RC1, eventhough I remember seeing a changelog that said it was compatible with Vista.

Please be more specific when you say it "doesn't work properly".



well, what i have encountered is that when doing an issue scan and remove what it finds, I then do another scan and it finds the same things over and over again..eventhough I have deleted it before.

Also, the clear the recent used programs from the startmenu doesent work.

mmmm, will post more if I encounter other things.


after seeing your potensial fix for the issue not being cleaned, I will now try it out to see if it works....

Yes, I to am having the same problem. I have Vista RC1 (build 5600). I notice that while it does remove some files, it does not clear the browser history (IE 7+). Any updates on this or when a new version will be coming out that supports this? I am an avid CCleaner user and would like to use it on vista.



Can you right click on the CC icon and select "Run as administrator". And let me know if this works?


Can you right click on the CC icon and select "Run as administrator". And let me know if this works?


When"Run as Administrator" is used it works perfectly!!

BTW .. thanks for Ccleaner .. the best thing I have seen in years!

Dear CCleaner Administrator,

Frankly speaking, is CCleaner 1.33.382 design or ready for Windows Vista RC1 or RC2? If not, wonder when CCleaner is ready for it as millions of users are currently using and testing Vista RC1 and Vista RC2.

Wonder why you mentioned try it again an run as administrator? my user account is already administrator. Just what whatever i clean-up using CCleaner, it comes back again if i repeat the scanning process in CCleaner.

Would highly appreciate if you could kindly answer my questions as mentioned above, cheers.

Thank you Mr. Administrator.

When"Run as Administrator" is used it works perfectly!!

No it doesn't. The hold cookies option is broken. When are you going to fix it? IE7 will be out in a few days. It is time to fix this feature, don't you think?