When files are deleted


All files from a folder (ex: D:\folderA) are deleted.

These files are not in the recycle bin, I changed folder settings to show all hidden files, they are still not visible, so I suppose that they are really not here (they are "normal" files, so there are little chance that they are hidden anyway).

Recura has been able to recover these files.

But I have the following questions:

1) How these files have been deleted: delete from D:\folderA followed by delete in recycle bin? or shift-delete? In Recura, the path of these files is still D:\folderA. So I think they should have been deleted directly by shift-delete from D:\folderA, not via recycle bin, otherwise, Recura should show a path such as D:\RECYCLE.BIN\NNNNNNNNNNN, where NNNNNN is some strange numbers. Am I right?

2) Does Windows keep track of deletion date? (Files still in recycle bin have deletion date, but in my case, these files are no longer in recycle bin, so how to know when they are deleted? Recura shows only creation date, last modification date and last access date.)

Thanks in advance,


1) No because the Recycle bin is not what one would consider a normal "moved to location" so the file still keeps it's original location (thus being able to click restore from the recycler). When then removed from the recycler the file (while still in MFT) sits where it originally was, waiting to be overwritten.

2) No windows AFAIK does not flag a file with a deleted date in the MFT

Thanks a lot.