? What?

I have a question...I find that half the time that I run CCleaner that it does not show me the list of what it cleans. Yes, I have the box checked, and Yes the other half of the time it works. But am I just guessing that its cleaning what its supposed to? I would rather see the file (log) list each time than have a blank screen. Anyone??

does it show how much it could or does remove? if thats 0MB, it shouldnt show anything because theres nothing to remove. if thats not it, what OS are you using and what version of CCleaner are you using?

edit: theres also an advanced option to show what it cleans out of IE.

does it show how much it could or does remove? if thats 0MB, it shouldnt show anything because theres nothing to remove. if thats not it, what OS are you using and what version of CCleaner are you using?

edit: theres also an advanced option to show what it cleans out of IE.

Hi, it doesn't show anything at all. Like i said, half the time it shows it and half the time it shows absolutely nothing. I am on windows 98SE and have the newest version. I have also been in the advanced options tab and clicked that box to show the list. That was the first thing I did. my question I guess is, why would it only show half the time? lol

not really familiar with 98.

it could not be loading correctly but this time, i dont know.

maybe someone else could help?

EDIT: if you post a screen shot, that would help out a bit more.

Analyze just shows you what CCleaner will delete when you press the CLEAN button. Is your problem CCleaner isn't showing all the entries that it actually deletes?

CCleaner has had this bug for a while. It will sometimes show you nothing when used on Win9x systems. It happens randomly. There's nothing wrong with anyone's individual system (it's a CCleaner fault).