We drive Ford Crown Vics. Nothing special except the suspension. Terrible in the snow. But pretty good power for the most part.
As most chases get aborted due to public safety concerns, speed is not usually a huge factor in choosing vehicles.
Hi 1984,
I remember ages ago in your part of the world that it was decided to let speeding villains go on their way rather than wipe out civillians in some mad chase.
It must be a hard call to make, but there has been a number of fatalities over here as a result of these chases.
I've seen some Lamborghini pursuit cars shown on a news channel not too long ago when the Lamborghini Murci?lago was released, however the newer Gallardo has to be my favourite Lambo of all time.
As for pursuit I suppose it matters just how high profile a crook is rather to chase them or not. However from what I've heard on the news over the years most Police departments don't like to do high speed chases anymore. Nonetheless, having Lamborghini pursuit cars seems like something out of a Need For Speed video game, and even economically unsound when theirs cars not even 75% of the price which could get the job done.
I remember ages ago in your part of the world that it was decided to let speeding villains go on their way rather than wipe out civillians in some mad chase.
It must be a hard call to make, but there has been a number of fatalities over here as a result of these chases.
Very debatable.
In most cases its teenage car thieves joyriding. We have a huge auto theft problem with 12- 16 year olds stealing cars for thrills-they are extremely adept at it, quick, and can beat the latest technology created by the automakers......
You can always pick up the car later, and there is no worry about them hitting pedestrians.
Well around here, ( Kansas USA ) the laws have gotton really strict, mostly with drug offences. If You get stopped with what They decide is amounts of drugs for resale The vehicles are impounded & Now belong to the state, No Questions asked. & being that one of the major hiways ( I70 ) runs thru Our state That links both coasts & a major Hiway leading to And from mexico. Were talking some perty fancy cars, that are then donated to the law enforcement . Mostly are barely marked, So You never know Who or where they are, Plus They sponser car shows & drag racing at the local drag stips, Showing these cars. It has really helped the younger generation think twice about a lot of things & Makes Them have more respect for law enforcement. & has slowed down drug trafficing considerably. Sorry To drag this out it,s just something I feel They,ve really done to make a huge impact, for the good for a change. The small towns closest to Me have, dodge magnums, Camero,s , corvettes, 5.0 litre mustangs & a few ferrari,s & viper,s . & are not only government funded but privatly also. Just My thoughts. Cowboy
Going on from cowboys comments, the police over here have very recently been given new powers with regard to car crime etc..
Now if they stop some guy and find that he`s uninsured, no tax, no M.O.T., instead of simply being able to book them, take them to court, and fine them. (Which they never pay). They now have the power to confiscate the vehicle on the spot.
I watched a program that my local TV station made on the first day these new powers came into effect.
They accompanied a couple of patrolmen looking for the usual suspects, who weren`t hard to find.
The knowing smirks on their faces, thinking, yeh, here we go again, another fine I`ve no intention of paying.
The knowing smile on the face of the patrol cop just before he told the guy his pride & joy was being confiscated.
And then the smirk, and the blood, draining from the runts face as realisation sank in.
we have laws like that, but mostly pertaining to solicitation of prostitutes. if you look to pay for sex, we take your car. i think they should extend the law, but im only a little cog in the machine.
we have laws like that, but mostly pertaining to solicitation of prostitutes. if you look to pay for sex, we take your car. i think they should extend the law, but im only a little cog in the machine.
Thats dumb. So if you break the speed limit, they should take your bed?
Thats dumb. So if you break the speed limit, they should take your bed?
If you shoplift they take your computer?
If you trespass they take your TV?
It's better than some old middle east custom (I forget the country of origin), however; if a person were caught stealing anything with say their right hand they'd chop it off and that would be the punishment, although that sounds very brutal. Now image beating someone up using some martial arts using both hands and both feet and being found guilty - that person be a stubs puppet in no time.
It's better than some old middle east custom (I forget the country of origin), however; if a person were caught stealing anything with say their right hand they'd chop it off and that would be the punishment, although that sounds very brutal. Now image beating someone up using some martial arts using both hands and both feet and being found guilty - that person be a stubs puppet in no time.
Very brutal as you say, but I don`t think they have many sexual offenders.
Being a car guy the Interceptor in the first Mad Max movie is something I still enjoy to this day. I remember it from my early years as a kid and it still has the same effect, gotta love that raw horsepower sound which has to be a big beefy V8 engine.
just thought i'd give the low down on one unique car my town just started using, its this crazy souped Volvo sedan, nothing on the outside, but crazy under the hood. and it has this new type of radar built into the bumper which enables it to track up to 4 cars at once.
strange to see a police car parked outside the Ace Cafe in London in the first picture. As the Cafe is a well known haunt of bikers, it would have to be a fast police car to catch up with some of the bikes you get to see there!