Hi, here's my MOBO - KT7266 Pro. Ver. 2 I'm thinking about buying better RAM as I have two stcks of 256MB (2100) Installed. I'm wondering if my MOBO can support (3200)!
I just did a search and this is what came up. I found that these sticks are supported but what are they? (2100)? (3200)? - RAM
Ok you're going to have to find a more detailed list of specs for the mobo, Microstar (MSI) gives a very poor list of specs. Also that link for the ram you gave isnt a link to the ram, its a link to an advanced ram search.
I know, but atleast you can search the MOBO. It's a KT7266 Pro. ver. 2Ok you're going to have to find a more detailed list of specs for the mobo, Microstar (MSI) gives a very poor list of specs. Also that link for the ram you gave isnt a link to the ram, its a link to an advanced ram search.
In all I believe mine can support (3200) But I'm not so sure.
If you pop open your case and write down everything you see on the mobo and then contact a company such as Crucial.com you'll get the correct memory that's for your system. Crucial's website also has a tool to help you get the correct memory, however if you have any doubts or for verification contact them.