What OS do you use? Windows XP, Vista, Mac, Ubuntu Linux, etc.
XP on my desktop and Vista on both my laptops.
Occasionally I play with Linux Vixta on my desktop too.
My laptop is running Vista Ultimate 32bit.
XP Home SP3. I do have Vista, but I'm not installing it anytime soon. I don't like it that much.
I've got absolutely no problem with Vista, and don't know why other people are against it so much.
Four of the computers in my house are running it, and all of them run fine and do what they are supposed to do.
I have Win95B, Win95C, Win98SE, WinME, Win2k Pro, WinXP 2002 Pro SP2 and guess what I prefer?
I've got absolutely no problem with Vista, and don't know why other people are against it so much.
Vista is too memory hungry thats why you need a minimum of 2GB for it to run.
Edit: Pro added.
I know Vista is memory hungry, but with the price of RAM so cheap these days that shouldn't be an issue.
Once Aero and UAC are turned off you could quite easily feel that you are using an XP system, but one that looks a little bit nicer.
Too much hype about how bad Vista was has stuck in peoples minds.
Oh and Keithuk, just noticed that you have not upgraded to SP3, that is bad computing in itself.
You are leaving yourself open to all sorts of problems.
I'm not saying that Vista is bad. Plus I can support it flawlessly, but I just don't like it that much. No particular reason.
I have Win95B, Win95C, Win98SE, WinME, Win2k, WinXP 2002 SP2 and guess what I prefer?
Vista is too memory hungry thats why you need a minimum of 2GB for it to run.
You have about every OS there is!
XP Home SP3. I do have Vista, but I'm not installing it anytime soon. I don't like it that much.
Downgrade option?
Vista's graphic subsystem requires 256 mb RAM, which is a lot more than some would like
Edit: I wish they could support XP and Vista like they did for NT and 98
Not to be a drag on you but why don't you put all of your thoughts into 1 post? 3 posts in the same minute or two is kind of crazy don't you think?
Anyway, my O/S's are in my signature.
Oh and Keithuk, just noticed that you have not upgraded to SP3, that is bad computing in itself.You are leaving yourself open to all sorts of problems.
When I had WinXP 2002 Pro SP2 installed I downloaded SP3 many times from many sources but when it tried to extract all files before installation why were corrupt.
You have about every OS there is!
No I missed out Windows 3.1 and I'm still using the best one Win98SE.
Vista is too memory hungry thats why you need a minimum of 2GB for it to run.
My mother has a 1 GB RAM laptop and Vista runs perfectly >_>
And saying Win98 is the best OS is...well...Weird ?
(And if all files from SP3 are corrupt, maybe you're using a bad zip extractor ?)
I use Vista Ultimate x64...
And saying Win98 is the best OS is...well...Weird ?(And if all files from SP3 are corrupt, maybe you're using a bad zip extractor ?)
There is nothing weird about Win98SE only its 11 years old now. It does everything my WinXP did and more.
I'm using WinZip like I've always used. Even running the downloaded exe still extracts all the files before it installs and they are still corrupted.
There is nothing weird about Win98SE only its 11 years old now. It does everything my WinXP did and more.
I'm using WinZip like I've always used. Even running the downloaded exe still extracts all the files before it installs and they are still corrupted.
"it's only 11 years old"
You know what Middle Age is, right ?
I think saying Win98SE is in the computer Middle Age would be right.
And using IE6 make all webmasters go crazy because they have to do sites working on an outdated, not standards-compliant browser, still used by ~ 1/5 of people.
My first PC had Windows 95 and 16MB of RAM
Second PC Windows ME with 192MB.
Then came XP with 1GB.
And now Vista Home Premium SP1 on my new XPS430 with 4GB DDR3 RAM, Intel Core2 Quad processor
Back in 1996 a PC with 16MB RAM, 950MB HD, Pentium 100 processor & Windows 95 was quite a zippy machine
I was a bit apprehensive about getting Vista, however after using Vista for about a month now... I luv it
How times change.
And using IE6 make all webmasters go crazy because they have to do sites working on an outdated,
Well you can't use anything higher with Win98SE and I don't like FireFox or Opera.
"it's only 11 years old"
You know what Middle Age is, right ?
I think saying Win98SE is in the computer Middle Age would be right.
And using IE6 make all webmasters go crazy because they have to do sites working on an outdated, not standards-compliant browser, still used by ~ 1/5 of people.
IE6 is a little bit better because its simpler