What Operating System Do You Use?

I use Windows XP Professional SP2 on my main PC and Windows 2000 Professional SP4 on my 2nd PC. :)

Main PC: WinXP Pro SP2

Secondary PC: Win98

primary: winxp pro sp2

secondary: broken

I use Windows XP Professional SP2 on my main PC and Windows 2000 Professional SP4 on my 2nd PC. :)

Drive C:120 gig/10 gig part:XP Pro sp2 all updates.Drive F(part):10 gig part with 4 ghgost images taken when it suits me.

Drive G+H:10 gig/4 gig part.Clone of C on G and two ghost images on H(part) when it suits me.

Can boot from either drive through bios settings.Too easy.

windows xp professional <-- installed on 2 different computers

windows xp home edition <-- pre-installed when i brought my computer

windows 95 <-- installed on a "dead" computer

Drive C:120 gig/10 gig part:XP Pro sp2 all updates.Drive F(part):10 gig part with 4 ghgost images taken when it suits me.

Drive G+H:10 gig/4 gig part.Clone of C on G and two ghost images on H(part) when it suits me.

Can boot from either drive through bios settings.Too easy.

Main PC: Drive C: 80gig XP Pro SP2 + all updates. Drive D: 120gig Storage. Drive G: 120gig external storage (E: & F: are DVD-RWs)

2nd PC: Drive C: 40gig Win 2000 Pro SP4 + all updates. :D

win 98

win 2000

win xp sp2

win media edition 2005

win nt 2003 enterprise edition

in 1 pc and planning to add more

10 partition


Don't save as a compressed-ass jpeg. JPEGs are evil and should be destroyed. Save as a PNG, noob!

I love PNG. PNG's are great, especially for screenshots of Windows and applications.

For photos and screenshots of games, JPEG is often better.

I use Windows XP Professional with SP2.

Used to run Slackware Linux but that disk crashed, still have ZipSlack on the disk and Ubuntu Linux on a LiveCD.

XP SP2 on two comps, one has Linux Slackware on half the partition.

XP pro sp2

xp home

xp home sp2

is this free to share?Linux_FULL_DVD.jpg

Mandrake Linux 10.1 Official Full DVD? if yes? ill post the link

i got it today

Because I'm seriously thinking WinXP is the last Microsoft operating system I ever intend to use I'd like to know if Linux is as easy to use as Windows, or at the least somewhat similar to Windows?

Edit: The reason's I want to eventually switch is because Windows is laden with non-stop security issues and bugs. And since there's a plethora of open source Linux applications available.

but will many of the windows programs run on it...?

Windows XP Pro SP2

Because I'm seriously thinking WinXP is the last Microsoft operating system I ever intend to use I'd like to know if Linux is as easy to use as Windows, or at the least somewhat similar to Windows?

Edit: The reason's I want to eventually switch is because Windows is laden with non-stop security issues and bugs. And since there's a plethora of open source Linux applications available.

Everything has security issues and bugs. Believe it or not, a recent report said Windows is more secure than *nix.

Everything has security issues and bugs. Believe it or not, a recent report said Windows is more secure than *nix.

Looks like I'm better off sticking with MS then. I wouldn't doubt if the "more secure" rating came from the release of SP2 for WinXP.

i read some where

Linux is free to share

so here is the link



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