What I'd like to see in defragler


Since the windows vista defragger doesn't allow for nearly anything and my diskkeeper version doesn't work in vista, I've been using defraggler.

I'd love to be able to defrag multiple hard disc drives at the same time like in diskkeeper, I have 6 hdd's in my pc and it used to be great to defrag them all at once... Are there any plans to add this feature in the future ?

Secondly, is it possible to add a feature like ''quick defrag'', that only defrags and doesn't do much else, defraggler appears to be much slower than diskkeeper used to be, although it does a better job ( it becomes less fragmented after), sometimes, I'm really after just quickly eliminating fragment in 15 minutes, rather than having to leave it on overnight or at least 3 hrs...

Thanks for any reply...

I requested parallel defragging too, and i was instead told to use the command line version of Defraggler to set up a schedule for multiple defrags... Which didn't really achieve what i wanted in the first place -- But the Piriforum dudes don't seem to care about this particular feature.

As for your second question:

Open Defraggler > Click 'Analyze' > Click the 'File List' tab > Highlight everything with CTRL+A > Click 'Defrag Highlighted'

Open Defraggler > Click 'Analyze' > Click the 'File List' tab > Highlight everything with CTRL+A > Click 'Defrag Highlighted'

??? Why not just click the check all check? and press the defrag checked button