What Icons do you have on your desktop?

I was wondering what Icons the people here have on their desktop.

I have:




Microsoft Works

Sonic Record Now!


My computer

My Documents

Picasa 2


Staroffice 8 (writer, impress, database, calc, draw)

I like my desktop clean and simple. Now my start menu programs list is another story :D .

Drives C and E.

Now that's clean and simple. :lol:

My desktop is really cluttered

Actually, it's a mess! I put them all in an application folder in favorites, and use 2 monitors.

My desktop as of recent.


My desktop right now. Nothing special, but I'm looking for a nice theme.

Any suggestions?

Nothing fancy.




Oh yeah, I'm using the Royale theme. XPize is pretty cool ^^

Current desktop.



Oh yeah, I'm using the Royale theme. XPize is pretty cool ^^

How did you get that theme? Is their a place to download them?

Also I'm looking for a place to get cool backgrounds that doesnt install malware.

Also some of the pictures you all have posted have differant icons than the ones that come with the programs they are for. Where did you get those icons from?

Ok, I did some reserch and foud this site:


Has anyone here downloaded from this site? is it malware free? And if so what did you download?

How did you get that theme? Is their a place to download them?

Also I'm looking for a place to get cool backgrounds that doesnt install malware.

Nevermind found it on microsofts site. I love it!

Here's mine



Mine is pretty messy ... cant get my transparent icons back :(


How did you get that theme? Is their a place to download them?

Also I'm looking for a place to get cool backgrounds that doesnt install malware.

XPize 3.2

The link dosent work :( . Is their another place to download it from?

TuPLaD: Change your color depth to 32-bit.

DjLizard > It already on 32bit :)

But the strange part is ... my brothers account DOES have transparent icons :(