What hardware do you use?

I figured this might be an interesting topic.

What kind of hardware do you use? I'm talking computers, tablets, phones, game systems. Anything you use to connect/get things done/veg out on the couch. Which do you use the most, which do you use the least? I'm interested to see what you guys are using.

Currently I have my desktop/gaming pc (AMD FX6300, 8gig ram, 7870 graphics). This is what I use to game and get my work done. Office/ect.

I also have a Asus q501LA laptop (I5, 1080p touch screen, 6gb ram).

I also have a iPad Air (16gb) and a Galaxy S5 phone.

If I measured where my usage lies most it would be my phone. Next would be the desktop, and then probably the iPad. I use the laptop the least. I found that when I'm going out of town I've been bringing the iPad more than the laptop and when I'm home I use my desktop. By far I use my phone the most though. Mostly use it to read oddly enough, I pretty much live within Pulse(RSS reader), texting, and even a lot of browsing. I LOVE the new "OK Google" search on android and I have probably doing most of my web browsing using that.

I currently have a 360, wii u, ps4, ps3, and a wii hooked up to my tv. By far most used is the 360 because it has the best streaming video apps. I probably game the most on the PS3 and I currently wish I hadn't bought the ps4 yet. (no games pretty much)

If I had to give up everything and I could only keep 1 device. I'd probably keep my phone. If I could keep 2, I'd keep my desktop.

Anyway sorry for the long post. What do you guys use on a regular basis?

I have: a kaput eMachines desktop (specs escape me at the moment but will edit later when I get them)

an HP 2000 Notebook laptop AMD E-300 APU w/ Radeon HD graphics 1.3 GHz, 4 gig ram

A Hisense Sero7 Pro tablet 8gig storage, 1 gig ram

And a Galaxy S4 cell phone.

I use the phone the most. Next would be the tablet, then the laptop. Before my desktop died, I used that more than anything.

I also have a Wii that doesn’t get much use anymore. My brother and I ran the gammet on the Lego games and then we were done with it lol.

my workhorse by far is my desktop.

the iphone is the calendar & contacts go-to device.

the itouch is only used as a media player and permanently sits in the hi-fi dock.

my ipad mini was brought as a media player when away from the house (holidays, long haul flights etc) and is excellent for that, but due to it's nice screen it gets a bit of use as the iphone replacement.

I moved away from laptops about 12 years ago, and with my ipad tablet, can see no reason to ever need one again.

my other test rigs and Linux rig are just 'toys' and are neither here nor there.

speaking of toys, the PS3 gets the very occasional work out (weekend just past actually - had a few hours to burn) and is really just a stress release (nothing like blowing away half the Star Wars clone army to calm one down)

Have an old Medion desktop (10 years old) 2 gig ram, nvidia GF 6200 that I use the most. It's a real workhorse as I test software on it, bluescreens and everything!!

I also have a much newer very basic standard machine with self installed Win 8.1 on it. It doesn't even have a dedicated graphics card it uses Windows own :lol: 4 gig ram.

Laptop is HP, 8 gig ram and I use that the least.

Phone is non internet and used for calls and texts only. That won't change as one of my pet hates is folk using their phones when they are at social occasions etc. (sorry guys !)

What I use:

* This old WinXP Pro SP3 computer. Microsoft and nobody else can convince me to "upgrade" as of yet.

* PS3, I use this mostly for games and videos.

What I don't use, but still have in working order:

* PS2. I'm really only keeping it to play Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

* Very old Win98 computer, I'm only keeping it to play old 1990s games but need to find a dedicated space for it.

I currently wish I hadn't bought the ps4 yet. (no games pretty much)

Wait for that new Metal Gear Solid game to be released on it, maybe a few years wait though because the PS3 version "part 1" will come first. And also Grand Theft Auto 5 on PS4, I'll buy a PS4 just for those two games I've mentioned.

My main PC:

ASUS Z87-Expert mobo

16gb corsair dominator platinum ram

Sapphire Tri-X OC R9 290X

Intel i7 4770 @3.84GHz w/ Xigmatek Prime cooler

Creative X-Fi Titanium sound card

System runs on an OCZ Vertex 3 (60GB)

main display vg248qe, have two other monitors I use on/off (currently one is sitting across the room with a chromecast plugged into it)

Phone/Tablet are jfltevwz running PA4.5 Alpha and a grouper running PA4.5 Alpha

Also have a spare gaming pc with an m4a77td, 5770 graphics, phenom ii x955 black edition processor and 12gb corsair xms3 ram, but no harddrives in it

I have both a Wii and an Xbox360 but I can't say I've used either of them at all in the last few years, and never really used them heavily to begin with (PC Gaming since I was a child!)

I do have a laptop, I believe it is an ASUS K53S but I haven't used it in many months and have never used it much at all.

I'd say the vast majority of my time is spent on the Desktop, followed by the phone and then tablet. 360/wii/laptop get about the same amount of use (none) but I suppose laptop would come before the other two :lol:

Interesting about those moving away from laptops. I figured that would be the most common thing used.

For me I found that when I'm home I have my desktop. When I'm out I have my phone and usually my ipad if I need to get something more intense done. Now for work, I definitely still live in my laptop and MS Office.(teacher)

Andavari, I like the PS4 version of MGS ground zeroes but it came out on PS3 and I doubt there is much difference. I'm sure once more games made for PS4 come out I'll be happy but it seems like for now its getting the same games as PS3. For instance I played Assassins creed 4 on PS4 and it was the same game on ps3. This year should be different as the PS4 is getting its own assassins creed game.

Funilly enough my 360 is the number 1 used system but its to watch netflix, hulu, history channel, hbo, ect. Not play games. Although if you added up where my playtime in the past was most used it would probably be the 360 above everything.

Laptops just don't have enough horsepower for me :(

I would use my laptop more if it didn't have Win8 on it. I still very much loathe this OS.

Use should endure you to it. However, with a start menu replacement application it's the edge of being 7, which, in my opinion, is not that different from XP

Use should endure you to it. However, with a start menu replacement application it's the edge of being 7, which, in my opinion, is not that different from XP

I never got the chance to tinker around with 7. I've heard good things about it. Still miss good ol' XP though. lol

I have a desktop (new) and laptop both running Win7 Pro x64. I love 'em and have no desire to move to Win8. Win7 is close enough to WinXP with a lot more features.

I just bought the desktop after convincing my wife we had to retire her old faithful WinXP machine that she loved. She is adjusting nicely.

I would use my laptop more if it didn't have Win8 on it. I still very much loathe this OS.

Like most people. :wacko: And I can't get the hang of laptops either (when using someone elses laptop). The strong bright to dark gradient of the screen is annoying, and heaven forbid it's not hooked up to a mouse. I'm horrible using my catchers' mitt fingers on that tiny Saltine-sized touchpad. I go bonkers.

Like most people. :wacko: And I can't get the hang of laptops either (when using someone elses laptop). The strong bright to dark gradient of the screen is annoying, and heaven forbid it's not hooked up to a mouse. I'm horrible using my catchers' mitt fingers on that tiny Saltine-sized touchpad. I go bonkers.

I'm lucky in the screen aspect. Mine is very easy on the eyes, not like my old laptop which was pretty harsh. As for the touchpad...not a fan of them either; and I have little fingers haha. I use my wireless mouse most of the time.