I have just updated my Defraggler. I clicked on analyze and optimize. What happens if you optimize your drive and nothing is in drive? Will the computer still work and all my files still be there?
Deana Van Wart
I have just updated my Defraggler. I clicked on analyze and optimize. What happens if you optimize your drive and nothing is in drive? Will the computer still work and all my files still be there?
Deana Van Wart
I'm not sure that I understand your question.
If "nothing is in drive" then that could only be a newly formatted (unused) drive and there would be nothing to defragment or optimize.
If the drive has any fragmented files on it (including the Operating System files) then defragmenting will join each fagmented file into a 'one-piece' file, and move them into a 'better' position on the drive so that they will load faster.
Nothing is deleted, the files are just moved about.