What happened to the IE cache?

I own a computer & tech help company and a tech at another company recommended Ccleaner to me and I've got to admit it is great. Quick, easy and very thorough!

Now I've got a question. After doing a full clean on my system I went to go find something I was hunting in my IE cache (yes I use Firefox 99.9% of the time. :D ) and my cache folder is gone? When I go to >Documents and Settings>My Profile>Local Settings, the Temporary Internet Files folder is gone? I can't find it anywhere. Even after several days of restarts and using IE and Maxthon a few times, the Temporary Internet Files folder is still gone.

Any ideas folks? Thanks for the help.

Hi Jason and Welcome :)

Does this help? CCleaner Features There is also a link for the Beginnner's Guide in my sig. That might help as well.

Please feel free to let us know if you have anymore questions.

If the folder is no longer seen IE may have moved it (I've witnessed this in the past on previous Windows Oses), or has hidden the folder.

You can find out where the folder is located by:

Right clicking the IE icon on the desktop and then click Properties.

Now in the middle section under Temporary Internet Files click Settings to find out where the folder is located.

Thanks for the replies! I think I might have just realized the problem and it's not Ccleaner's doing.lol On the same day I installed and ran Ccleaner I also installed the new IE7 Beta. It is very possible that IE7 saves the cache in a different location.

Andavari, when I right click on the IE icon and go to Properties there is no option under any of the tabs for Temporary Internet Files. Maybe this is a change with the new IE7? I'll do some Googling and see if I can find out if IE7 moved the cache location.

Thanks for the help. I seriously doubt it's Ccleaner's doings, as I orginally suspected. :D

Ok, this is strange.

I just opened IE7, went to Tools>Internet Options>Browser History>Settings and it shows the current location of the Temporary Internet Files and History as........ C:\Documents and Settings\Jason\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\ . The problem is that folder is no longer there like it has been for years. Even in my other profiles, that folder is gone. Yes Local Settings is usually a hidden folder and I have the folder options set to show hidden folders, so that's not the problem.

Anyone have any ideas on this one? I'm stumped.lol

Since you're using IE7 Beta you may be interested in this thread if you use CCleaners Hotfix Uninstallers under Cleaner->Advanced.

when I right click on the IE icon and go to Properties there is no option under any of the tabs for Temporary Internet Files. Maybe this is a change with the new IE7?

Maybe it's from using IE7 Beta, I don't know because I haven't used it and won't until it's a final build.

The area I was referring to is as seen in this screenshot:


Thanks for the reply. As for the link you provided to the info on IE7, I appreciate it. I wish I'd seen it earlier! Guess I'm stuck with IE7 now. Yuck. From what I've seen so far, it's horrible. I haven't used IE in several years but IE7 is in my opinon worse than IE6. There are some improvements but the visual effects/looks are horrible.

Thanks for the screenshot. I can get to that menu via Tools>Internet Options, as you can in IE6. From there, where you mentioned, it tells me that my temp folder is located at C:\Documents and Settings\Jason\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\ even though it isn't. Who knows? I guess it's not a real big deal. It could be just an IE7 glitch.

Thanks for the help.

Did you check to see if they hid the folder??? Goto Control Panel>Folder Options>View Tab> Click on "Show hidden files and folders"

then go back to C:\Documents and Settings\Jason\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\ and see if it is there.


Thanks GCN. I keep all my folders set to "show hidden files" and the orginal Temprorary Internet Files folder was hidden also. Good idea though. That little trick has left many people stumped looking for folders.lol

Thanks GCN. I keep all my folders set to "show hidden files" and the orginal Temprorary Internet Files folder was hidden also. Good idea though. That little trick has left many people stumped looking for folders.lol

For IE7, it's not only "show hidden files" that you have to select, but also "Hide Protected Operating System Files" must be UNchecked.

This will show you your Temporary Internet Files folder, right wher it belongs!
