what does the entry Google Earth remove?

what does the entry Google Earth remove?

I believe it removes the Cache and your most recent searches.

so the GoogleEarth cache won't be removed right?

I believe it removes the Cache and your most recent searches.


It removes all temp files related to Google Earth, including the cache.

Ok thanks for the answer ;)

Just to clarify, suppose I use Google Earth :D and view the Eiffel Tower and I bookmark it.

I close Google Earth.

I then run CCleaner :D with the Google Earth application checkbox ticked.

Does this mean that when I reopen Google Earth and go to my bookmark of the Eiffel tower, it will be blurry and I will have to wait :( (something I did before creating the bookmark in the first place) to see the Eiffel tower?

I believe so yes.

You could tho place the below entire into winapp2.ini this way the search entries will be removed but not the cache which stores the images etc. Be warned tho the cache will build up over time to some size, i don't use google earth but they is more then likely a option to limit the cache size which you may want to do to stop it getting out of control.

[Google Earth]LangSecRef=3021Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\Google Earth PlusDefault=TrueRegKey1=HKCU\Software\Google\Google Earth Plus\Search

You are correct, there is an option to limit the cache size. Thanks for the clarification and the code.