So this week I got my first mechanical keyboard. I got a logitech g710 with cherry mx blue switches. I got a good deal on it so I figured I would give it a shot. I don't really use a keyboard/mouse to game(I use a xbox one controller) so I was mostly interested in it for typing. I had always heard that mechanical keyboard were easier/better to type on. So I was interested considering I spend quite a lot of time typing papers/making stuff in MS Word/Powerpoint.
I gotta say I'm not that impressed. The tactile feel of the keys clicking and the sound was neat at first but I'm not convinced I like this any better than the cheap wireless combo I had before.(a microsoft one I got for $20) I've only had it 3 days but I'm considering getting rid of it. I'll probably use it another day or so to make sure I don't like it.
I specially searched for and found a USB keyboard that makes a sound every time I press a key.
I hate the keyboards with no "click" sound like those on laptop(s). They come with a keyboard but a lousy one. And it was meant to keep the price down of the laptop. One can't even hear or feel when one has pressed a key. Even a more expensive Logitech keyboard was too "flexible" and not "rigid" enough.
this keyboard I have definitely clicks... loudly. This isn't the same keyboard I have but it is the same switches that are inside my keyboard Skip to about 1:40 just to hear him press the keyboard:
Its not distracting/annoying to me as I always wear headphones when I'm on the computer but I bet my wife would probably be annoyed if she was in the same room while I was typing.
I've always heard people say its easier to type on/more comfortable. I can type pretty fast and I dont feel like this is any different than my old keyboard as far as ease. I'm going to keep it a few more days and see if I can adjust to it.
I have a Razer Blackwidow keyboard. It's mechanical but the clicking is not as loud as the keyboard in the videio in the previous message. I love it. I would never have anything other than a mechanical keyboard.
I've never used one. I always use Microsoft ergonomic keyboards, and for the last 12 years Microsoft USB wireless ergonomic keyboards. I can't type fast on non-ergonomic keyboards anymore.
I've been interested enough to research which key type I would get (blue, brown, red etc... now there are some newer ones; white etc.) but the cost is simply too ridiculous to actually get one.
My son has my very old original mechanical PS2 keyboard (would have to be more than 15 years old) - back when they only came out with mechanical keys and before we knew they were so cool and expensive.
I paid $60 for the logitech I have now. Regular price is about $130.
I definitely wouldn't have paid full price but it was considerably cheaper than all comparable keyboard with the same switches. I'm still just experimenting with it for now. Haven't made a final verdict yet. Its definitely well made and the backlighting looks nice even if I don't really notice it when I'm actually using it.
I've never used one. I always use Microsoft ergonomic keyboards, and for the last 12 years Microsoft USB wireless ergonomic keyboards. I can't type fast on non-ergonomic keyboards anymore.
I didn't have the ergonomic MS board but I had this: