Sorry Moderator, I must disagree. Fragmented cards make a BIG difference to both the camera startup time and the after-clicking-the-button-ready-for-the-next-shot response time when taking a photo on both my Sanyo and Minolta digi cameras. This is why I was defragging this old card in the first place. If you can find the time, experiment with fragmented and defragmented cards for yourself, and I think you will agree.
I agree with you on some points.
Defraggling an SSD can yield improved performance.
A lot of the mods here think that doing so, however, drastically decreases life span of such a media.
Which is WHY they don't recommend it.
For instance, lets say each cell of a flash media can be written to a max of 100,000 times before it is considered "dead". A lot, right?
But the defrag operations may easily stress some cells 1,000 times or more to achieve defragmentation, or even 10,000 just depending on available free space.
For this reason, most perceive that it is better to just move files off the flash media, then copy it back, for a total of just 1 write operation being used on your device.
It is much better for your drive life.
Troublesome, yes, but very good for your SSD lifespan.
Yes, defragging helps, but not good for your SSD lifespan!
Of course, unlike others here, I would rather do a copy of all files off the drive, rather than a move. THEN, a format after successful move.
Why? Because copying seems faster than moving, as in a move operation, the files also have to be deleted after each file/folder, so its less stress to just do a read operation, rather than read/delete (write behind), read/delete, etc.
In addition to that, you may encounter problems in copying.
Antivirus apps can step in and falsely inform you that Vispa is a virus (when it is NOT, only a Vista settings changer, but due to the NSIS scripts it uses, be falsely flagged as a virus). This will block the file from being moved, and stop your file move operation. You may lose more than just Vispa in this manner, hence the recommendation to use copy instead of Move.
Also, sometimes a computer can crap out on you before you have everything moved, so if doing a move instead of a copy (ram errors, computer with low ram, computer needed to reboot because of updates, whatever!), you may lose all that was in memory waiting to be transferred over.
Long story short, just do it this way to preserve your SSD drive life:
- Copy all files to a new folder
- Quick format the drive you just copied the files from
- Copy the files back to the SSD drive, & THEN delete the copy of it on your computer