after start up I suddenly am recieving the following warning message.
C:\windows\\framework\v1.14322\mscorwks.dll cannot be opened.
I would appreciate any info as to what it is and how \i can eliminate it.
Thank you
after start up I suddenly am recieving the following warning message.
C:\windows\\framework\v1.14322\mscorwks.dll cannot be opened.
I would appreciate any info as to what it is and how \i can eliminate it.
Thank you
Its connected to NET Framework but I do not know why its showing an error , maybe something is set to load on startup that requires NET Framework, If you have it installed it might be damaged so removing it via add/remove screen and checking if the error still shows may help, download it again if the error still shows after removal, If can install NET Framework using windows updates (Its an optional update) or from Here
after start up I suddenly am recieving the following warning message.
C:\windows\\framework\v1.14322\mscorwks.dll cannot be opened.
I would appreciate any info as to what it is and how \i can eliminate it.
Thank you
You could always try downloading and reinstalling the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1.
Sorry about that Andy; we must have replied at the same time.
i have the same problem (it happen with no reasons)! SO i just download the dll file
here you go:
i have the same problem (it happen with no reasons)! SO i just download the dll file
here you go:
Thanks for that. Have down loaded but cannot open it what's the secret please. Am using a winzip rar file program can see the dll file and the readme txt but can't do anything with them.
Thanks for that. Have down loaded but cannot open it what's the secret please. Am using a winzip rar file program can see the dll file and the readme txt but can't do anything with them.
Have cured the problem. I downloaded Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and al is well "touch wood"
Thanks for he help.
If you can't install .NET Framework you may need to first download and install MS Windows Installer.