What Box To UNcheck?

I am running Windows XP and using My Yahoo as my home page. There are two versions of My Yahoo?s home page. When I log onto Internet Explorer the new version opens up. I then sign in and check the box ?keep me signed in for two weeks unless I sign out?. The old version opens up ? the one I want. I can delete that home page and reopen as often as I want and that ?old? version will always open. NOW, if I close it out and run CCleaner and then reopen with Internet Explorer the new version opens. I am wondering what box of CCleaner I need to uncheck so that it will remember what version the last home page I was using and not ?clean/delete? it.

Any help or ideas for this situation will be greatly appreciated.

Run Cleaner.

Open Internet Explorer, then sign in and check the box ?keep me signed in for two weeks unless I sign out?.

Close Internet Explorer.

Open CCleaner and go to Options>Cookies>Under Cookies to Delete you should see my.yahoo.com, and or yahoo.com, highlight and move to -> Cookies to Keep.

Run Cleaner

Open Internet Explorer.

If this doesn't work for you, uncheck Adobe Flash Player because it may be a Flash Cookie.

Cleaner>Applications>Multimedia>Adobe Flash Player

Let us know if you need more help.