I'm just curious, I'll put mine up later, I dont wanna discourage you guys.
lol, id put mine up here but their the worst anyone could get!
put them up damn you! lol
Pretty much in sig, but here goes.
AMD Athlon 2400+
ECS K7VTA3 v8 Mobo
1 GB PC3200 RAM
PNY GeForceFX5200 (manually OC)
160GB HDD (7200RPM)
SyncMaster 930B (this monitor is AWESOME)
Logitech G7/G15
As you can see, my motherboard and video card are teh suck, but at least my peripherals are good. I've done a whole tone of optimizing on my computer, so even with my specs, I can run Oblivion at 15/40 (outside/inside)
lol just so you can be better than me? hold up, let me get em
i didnt feel like typing all these out...
Not to brag, but i love the comp i built, and worked for lol.
2 gigs 3200 ram cas 2.5
w 7800gts' OCed in sli (2x Nv silencers)
Win xp sp2
250 gig SataII hdd
Amd 3200 oced' water cooled
Live! sound card
DAMN! how much that cost?
intel p4 2000mhz, 768 ram, 40 gb hd, 2- 250 gb external hd, logitech clicksmart 310 web cam, microphone headset, logitech 5.1 speaker system, external dvd burner, internal cd burner, internal dvd player, ati all in wonder 7800 pro card, i upgraded the sound card but cant remember to what. win xp sp2, and win xp pro. logitech game pad, brother printer, scanner, fax, pc fax, copier. both corded and cordless keyboards and mice.
Amd 3200 oced' water cooled
lol! single-core 3200+?! wimp!
lokoike says between clenched teeth, as he tries to hold back the tears looking at his 32-bit Athlon 2200+...
FX-60 ftw
Processor 6510 CPU
1.02 Mhz(NTSC).985(PAL)
Memory 64 Kb RAM
20 Kb ROM
Display Text Mode 40 x 25, 16 colors
Graphics Mode 320 x 200
Sound 16 Sound generator: 3 voice, 9 octaves
Ports Composite Graphics Output
Cartridge Slot
"User" Connector
2 Joystick ports
Serial Port
C2N cassette Interface
pretty nice
Processor 6510 CPU1.02 Mhz(NTSC).985(PAL)
Memory 64 Kb RAM
20 Kb ROM
Display Text Mode 40 x 25, 16 colors
Graphics Mode 320 x 200
Sound 16 Sound generator: 3 voice, 9 octaves
Ports Composite Graphics Output
Damn dude! That things a multimedia monster! I bet your framerates are through the roof!
It does well for me, I have the ZX Spectrum as a back up if its needed
my first computer was the commodore vic 20.
A 2 1/2 year old Dell Dimension 8300 that has a butt ugly casing which pisses me off because of the protruding oval like things near the two dvd drives, and the ultra damned annoying difficult as hell to plug anything into two front USB ports and headphone jack. Whoever designed the case should be fired for being a complete idiot for obviously not testing their design before releasing it unto unexpecting consumers!
The guts of it:
- Intel Pentium 4 3.20Ghz w/Multi-Threading
- 1 GB Ram
- ATI Radeon 9800 128MB (the last ATI junk I'll own because I hate their crappy .NET Catalyst Control Center)
- Two Western Digital 74.4 GB hard disks (way to small for my needs)
- TEAC DVD+RW DV-W58E (CD/DVD writer drive, only writes DVD+ media which makes it junk in that regard, however it extracts damaged/scratched audio CDs rather well)
- JLMS "LITEON" DVD-ROM XJ-HD166 (CD/DVD reader drive, junk, it's piss-poor when extracting audio CDs. I hate it and may put it in my old Win98 PC so that it can at least read DVD's and replace it on my XP Pro system with a dual format DVD+/DVD- writer drive or wait for the next generation of higher capacity DVD formats)
- Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 (the last Creative junk I'll own, their software is a bloated and crashy joke, hence I only installed the drivers only and thus have no functionality of the rear surround sound or Dolby Digital)
ATI Radeon 9800 128MB (the last ATI junk I'll own because I hate their crappy .NET Catalyst Control Center)
Download the ATI drivers 5.12 with Control Panel, then just download the Dial-up display drivers only. Install over the old graphic drivers and keep the CP.
I have version 5.11 and won't be updating it anymore.
Computer Type ACPI Multiprocessor PC
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Service Pack Service Pack 2
Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180 (IE 6.0 SP2)
DirectX (DirectX 9.0c)
CPU Type Intel Pentium 4HT, 3000 MHz (15 x 200)
Motherboard Name ECS 648FX-A (5 PCI, 1 AGP, 1 CNR, 3 DDR DIMM, Audio)
Motherboard Chipset SiS 648FX
System Memory 1024 MB (DDR SDRAM)
BIOS Type Award (08/19/03)
Communication Port Communications Port (COM1)
Communication Port ECP Printer Port (LPT1)
Video Adapter RADEON 9200 SE Family (Microsoft Corporation) (128 MB)
Video Adapter RADEON 9200 SE SEC Family (Microsoft Corporation) (128 MB)
3D Accelerator ATI Radeon 9200 SE (RV280)
Monitor BenQ FP767 ver.2 [NoDB] (14231039)
Audio Adapter SiS 7012 Audio Device
IDE Controller SiS 5513 IDE UDMA Controller
Floppy Drive Floppy disk drive
Disk Drive SAMSUNG SP1203N (120 GB, 7200 RPM, Ultra-ATA/133)
Optical Drive HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4120B (DVD+R9:2.4x, DVD+RW:12x/4x, DVD-RW:8x/4x, DVD-RAM:5x, DVD-ROM:16x, CD:40x/24x/40x DVD+RW/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM)
Optical Drive TSSTcorp DVD-ROM SH-D162C
SMART Hard Disks Status OK
C: (NTFS) 5490 MB (4327 MB free)
F: (NTFS) 10001 MB (1291 MB free)
J: (NTFS) 99002 MB (96625 MB free)
Keyboard Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard
Mouse HID-compliant mouse
Network Adapter SiS 900-Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
USB1 Controller SiS 7001 PCI-USB Open Host Controller
USB1 Controller SiS 7001 PCI-USB Open Host Controller
USB2 Controller SiS 7002 USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller
USB Device USB Human Interface Device
Now lookee here.Such a perfect defragged drive,1.2 gig of data on a 5.5 gig partition.Anyone care to show their C drives as well?
Beige box about 16" high, with a few slots on the front. A nice big button which turns green when I press it, and lots of wires sticking out the back.