What are File Locations for all Internet History?

Is there a specific file, or set of files, where IE Internet history, web searches, typed URL's etc, are stored? What would be that file's location? When I open CCleaner>Windows>Internet Explorer, and run the itmes listed under that category, my computer often acts unstable after the next reboot. Why would it not be better to go directly to those files and delete the items in that file?

Is there a specific file, or set of files, where IE Internet history, web searches, typed URL's etc, are stored? What would be that file's location? When I open CCleaner>Windows>Internet Explorer, and run the itmes listed under that category, my computer often acts unstable after the next reboot. Why would it not be better to go directly to those files and delete the items in that file?

You computers instability might be due to other reasons

have you recently or ever defragmented your computer

how old is your HDD because they do wear down and is noticable after 2 years

have you used the registry cleaner in CCleaner analyse then fix

Is there a specific file, or set of files, where IE Internet history, web searches, typed URL's etc, are stored? What would be that file's location? When I open CCleaner>Windows>Internet Explorer, and run the itmes listed under that category, my computer often acts unstable after the next reboot. Why would it not be better to go directly to those files and delete the items in that file?

Hello Robert,

I see you have been a member since Nov. 2006.So I figure you are like most users that just enjoy using their computer and don't need to worry about too much technical stuff.

Many other users read these threads and like to learn from them.I read your past threads and noticed you failed to follow up on final resolution of your problems.Please don't leave us guessing,OK.

We all benefit that way.

This reply is not just for you.So don't take anything in it as personal.It is also for those other members and users who are interested in learning a little bit more about Windows, CCleaner and this forum in general.

Just like me you just happen to be an average PC user,who wants to learn a little bit more.

You took the first step when somehow you ended up at Piriform looking for a product(program) that would help you maintain the performance and usefulness of your computer.

You took the second step and actually registered and became a member of this forum.

In all sincerity, WELCOME TO THIS FORUM!!! We members are here to love,laugh,and learn.

Those users who have not registered yet are invited to do so.It is easy,fast and so much to gain and share.No hassles or pressures for monies or fees or time.Everything done here is completely voluntary.

Never before has so much knowledge and information been available to the average person.We want to insure that this evolution of the Internet remains free and uninhibited.To that end we share our knowledge and experience to benefit all PC users.

Now , down to your question(searching for understanding). Your question is simple yet it goes to the "heart" of Internet processing as regards your PC(personal computer).

Nothing beats a good old-fashioned lesson.

Just click along with me.( Everything mentioned here is related to Internet Explorer 7.Other versions and other browsers are similar.)

Start > Control Panel > Internet Options will get you to the General tab of Internet Properties.

Under Browsing history Click on the "Delete..." button.

Are you getting a little uncomfortable yet?

You should be.Any time I see the word "delete" I get a little nervous.Thank goodness they put that "..." on the end.Makes me feel like something more is to follow,before I actually go deleting something.

Windows is like that for a good reason.When you delete something,you need to understand what,why and when you are deleting it.

As regards Internet History etc. there are many files involved.If you clicked on the "Delete..." button as mentioned prior ,you should now be at the "Delete Browsing History" box.

You can now "Delete..." what Browsing information you would like.

You can do the same in your browser window. Click on Tools > Delete Browsing History and delete what you want.

Are you actually deleting the data from your Hard Drive? No, you are only deleting the Windows "pointers" to that data.

How does this relate to CCleaner? CCleaner deletes it faster.It also allows you to save specific "Cookies" you may want to keep.It also allows you to overwrite that data on your HD(Hard Drive) for security purposes.CCleaner will also clean selected Application temporary files at the same time.It will also clean selected Windows information.You can also select other Custom files to be cleaned.You can also Exclude specific files or folders from cleaning.

CCleaner has other options related to the maintenance of your computer.You don't have to use them.In fact, you are advised not to use them unless you understand what they do.

Most users are just fine using the default settings of the Cleaner as installed.

They can turn off any or all Applications cleaning if they don't want that to be done every-time that they run the Cleaner.

Most users only need to run CCleaner when they notice a slow down or decrease in performance.

The beauty is it's speed and ease of use.

I advise that Cleaning only be done when nothing else is running.It is faster and safer that way.

As regards your Computer instability at the next reboot, please provide more information.

Best Wishes,

:) davey

Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out recently.

Other new users should also keep in mind that the Applications Tab is not processed separately from The Windows Tab list They should be considered together as one complete list.They are all proceessed in one pass of the list of options.
