What about the Black Friday offer and if I buy today a renewal licence!

Please I want an answer to my question:

I do have an already registrated till 1 month yet. It will expire at 26th of December.

If I buy a new registration licence NOW and I will keep it till to the end of the current licence, the timecount of new licence starts on the purchace date (today), or it starts to countdown the date I will start use it???

I am thinking also, to buy the larger package for 5 PCs (that they have different dates of expiration).

I want to know if I can use the multiple licence adding them in different renewal dates....

Thank you

The new license will start when your old ends, support will extend the license pro-rated but in times like a big sale it may take a little extra time. I believe this is how it works, but you may wish to contact support@ccleaner.com as i'm just a user like you.

@criss_x: There is a bit of a summary here:


So if you go early, you don't lose any time. For example, if your licence expires in January 2022 and you take a 12 month offer today, then (after the licensing robot which runs twice a day wakes up and does its thing), you'll end up with an expiry date of January 2023 (not November 2022).

Exceptions can be if you are using different emails for your accounts (for obvious reasons the robot does not assume that John Smith at gmail is the same person as John Smith at hotmail, etc) or if you buy more than 90 days before your licence expires (since the robot will be a be shy about guessing whether your intent was actually to renew early or just pick up an extra copy). Then you'd have to contact support to ask for a license merge - which they do a lot of and will have no problems sorting out for you.