Weird desktop background problem

I'm trying to go for a no icon desktop. However, when I selected the option, I noticed about 2 minutes later that my background became....crappy. If you look in the June Desktop topic, my Audi R8 gets all these lines going through it. When I turned the icons back on, everything was good.

I tried switching to another picture and back, and the same thing happened. I have no idea what is going on.

Any suggestions???



Perhaps right click a blank area of the Desktop and select Refresh. Or reboot. Or see if Microsoft Tweak UI will fix it by repairing the icon cache.

I had weird desktop problems quite a while back, and it turned out to be a problem with the "Active Desktop" set-up.

I always keep a couple of "fixes" from Kellys Korner which helped in the past. If all else fails, you could always give them a try. Simple double click VBS files, which might just help make stuff work the way it should. A kick up the but sort of thing.

Active Desktop-Enable/Disable. No.16:

Desktop Icons-Enable/Disable: No. 72:

Kellys Korner:

Good luck.

I never understood Active Desktop and I dunna like the sound of it. I like my desktop inactive and complacent.

Years ago I made my desktop 'active', I dragged a small pic from the internet onto my desktop. It immediately became my wallpaper. A hideous over-pixellated tiny gif filling up a 19" monitor. God that was gross. And I remember that was back in the good old days before I knew of neat free programs & such...and I reformatted. That was the style of fixing things at the time.





Look towards the left side of the hood, where it is like...banding issues. And the wheels are a lot less detailed.

I did try refresh...and the computer has been off.


It might seem a bit obvious, but maybe somethings caused your screen resolution to revert from 32bit to 16bit.

Worth a look in your "Appearance and Themes > Change Screen Resolution".

I tried adjusting and resetting that..still no difference...hmmm. I'll try some other things to see if I can solve it.


looks like its compressing the image, weird i agree.

I've never seen wallpaper do that before. Maybe try some different wallpapers to see if the problem happens in them as well. Or check your wallpaper settings to make sure it's Centered not Stretched as stretching (typically the default option Windows chooses) can cause some distortions like a degradation in quality, and make sure the wallpaper you're using matches your desktop resolution, i.e.; if you're using 1024x768 find that wallpaper in the same size.

Andavari you are a genius. The image was 1600 by 1200, and I had it on stretch. It was good with icons on, but it messed up when it took them off. I went to the file in Paint.Net, opened a second canvas that was 1280 by 1024, copy and shrunk the image, applied it, took icons off, and NO PROBLEMS!!! WOOT!!

Thanks guys for all your help! No icons ftw!!!



I'm glad you got it sorted out.

I just noticed the Ironman head in the wallpaper, I was drooling over that car and didn't even notice it before. :lol: