Website Redesign

pear_big_w.pngAs well as making great software, we're also aiming for a great website!

So we've moved things around and restyled certain sections to make the Piriform website faster to navigate, and also slightly easier on the eye! :)

We hope you like the changes.

View the full blog post

Can the "+" and "-" buttons be fixed ASAP?

Nice...would be even better with a "Forum" and "Docs" tab in the bar below the logo. wink.gif

Also, +1 for Ishan, even though it's not a website-related thing but a forum one.

What's the bug with + and - ?

What's the bug with + and - ?


Awesome!!! :o

It looks really awesome! :o

One suggestion: add a "Home" button to the top toolbar. :)

Looks pretty nice and clean but I miss some color... :( too white for my taste... btw images of the main site showcase are loaded very very slow... you should preload this images the first time the site opens...

What's the bug with + and - ?

The quota of positive votes is set to 0, which makes the whole rating system useless wink.gif

pear_big_w.pngAs well as making great software, we're also aiming for a great website!

So we've moved things around and restyled certain sections to make the Piriform website faster to navigate, and also slightly easier on the eye! :)

We hope you like the changes.

View the full blog post

I for one say "FANTASTIC" MrG, well done I think it looks great and yes very easy on the eyes. Also easy to move around and fast.

Keep up the good work Piriform :D

Indeed, nice restyle. Never was a fan of the old one, the new look is clean and stylish :)

One suggestion: add a "Home" button to the top toolbar.

It has a "Home" button. Also the Piriform logo can be clicked to go back to the main site.

Wheres our non blinding version of the forums? :-P

That being said, nice restyling :-)

It has a "Home" button. Also the Piriform logo can be clicked to go back to the main site.

OMG!!! They just added it! :D :D :D

Thanks MrG, this will help a lot of people navigate the site. :)

I luv the new look B)

The white background could do with some softening... shading maybe ;) otherwise a great improvement!

Nice new design but I don't know why you did not take my suggestion in consideration.

It needs a forums button.

Home Products Downloads Blog Forums About

It needs a forums button.

It does indeed :huh:

i may try this on Woot my old ranger, but im not down with risking it on my main, no matter how safe it actually is lol


Links removed and member banned: DD

It does indeed :huh:


... by the way, very nice new website design :) I've always thought it needed a change :P

Again, I think it also needs a "Contribute translation" link. Or maybe a "How can I/you help" section.


The new style is cleaner and easier to navigate.

Next stop, forum themes. :P