After running C Cleanup I can no longer access two Web sites which are absolutely essential to me: my gmail account and a work-related site which was set as start page in Firefox. (FYI, the login page of gmail is accessible, by my inbox is not.) The problem is only in Firefox and only with these two sites. Every other site I've tried works fine, and I can access all sites in IE.
I've gone so far as to uninstall Firefox and reinstall it, but the same thing happens.
Because of this experience, my impression of C Cleanup is initially VERY negative.
Don't run CCleaner while browser window(s) is/are still open. Close all browser windows and run CCleaner twice. Failing that, clear your browsers' cache using its built-in function (Firefox -> Tools, Options, Privacy, Cache>Clear) and everything should be fine.
Don't run CCleaner while browser window(s) is/are still open. Close all browser windows and run CCleaner twice. Failing that, clear your browsers' cache using its built-in function (Firefox -> Tools, Options, Privacy, Cache>Clear) and everything should be fine.
Well, that was easy! Thanks for your advice. Actually, I didn't have to run CCleaner again. I just cleared the cache in Firefox and it was fine. Thanks.
Yep. No problem. It's a common occurrance around here. I even did it once (but only because I use Firefox preloader, which counts as having one open, even when there's not one open )
MicroSE is my "company", I've created a webbrowser using VB.Net 2003 and I named it MicroSE Unite.MSE (I have some other applications too. But my browser is the only program which is also English) See my website: (Dutch)
1) Graphics on installer (and website) are ghastly -- sorry for being so blunt.
2) Installer is full screen with blue gradient - that's *soo* Windows 3.1 -- use the default Inno Setup window style, it looks a lot better that way.
3) Most of the time, when it's looking up a site or beginning a connection to it, the window doesn't idle [i.e., "locks up"]... I recommend putting in a sleep in your message loop or something.. I like to be able to move or resize the window even if it's in the middle of loading a site. My connection is having latency problems right now, so it's very noticable to me
4) Sorry, but I don't see the point in yet another IE core browser - if you want to write a browser, write a browser.
5) It has a go button, rofl
6) You should encrypt the gmail account name, too, but:
7) Adding 0x80 isn't encryption
8) Gmail tab: It doesn't need a 'save' button, OK should be the 'save' button
1) Graphics on installer (and website) are ghastly -- sorry for being so blunt.
2) Installer is full screen with blue gradient - that's *soo* Windows 3.1 -- use the default Inno Setup window style, it looks a lot better that way.
3) Most of the time, when it's looking up a site or beginning a connection to it, the window doesn't idle [i.e., "locks up"]... I recommend putting in a sleep in your message loop or something.. I like to be able to move or resize the window even if it's in the middle of loading a site.? My connection is having latency problems right now, so it's very noticable to me
4) Sorry, but I don't see the point in yet another IE core browser - if you want to write a browser, write a browser.
5) It has a go button, rofl
6) You should encrypt the gmail account name, too, but:
7) Adding 0x80 isn't encryption
8) Gmail tab: It doesn't need a 'save' button, OK should be the 'save' button
1) I am not good at superb graphics. But these graphics are based on what I call: keep it simple.
2) Many programs still do that...
3) I don't have that problem.. strange.
4) Yeah.. writing a browsing engine in VB.Net is easy... (But I am working one one, but that one is even in a pre-alpha state (Unite Engine))
5) yep.
6 & 7) Yes, I admit that my 'encryption' isn't perfect, but I had to do something. I am working on a better encryption system... (I only don't know how to make one.)
8) The OK button will save it too (in the future), but the save button willl stay. This because you can change the settings more easily. (After setting it with save and closing the settingswindow with the x (and in the future, cancel) will keep the newly saved settings)
Check his sig. Another browser based on IE.
I don't mean to be rude but, I tried Micro and I don't like it very much. I wouldn't use it over Firefox if you paid me.
MicroSE Unite is my IE based browser, MicroSE is my company. This because I made more programs. (MicroSE Player.MSE, MicroSE Calculator.MSE, MicroSE Lader.MSE and some other smaller programs)
I wouldn't use FireFox even if they pay me. And don't shorten MicroSE to Micro, if you want to shorten it, do it like I do: MSE.
The next version will have some new things.. A cancel button for the settings window, maybe a better encryption. I am working on a Opera bookmark importer. The bug of point 3 isn't reported by others, but I will look into it.
Don't run CCleaner while browser window(s) is/are still open. Close all browser windows and run CCleaner twice. Failing that, clear your browsers' cache using its built-in function (Firefox -> Tools, Options, Privacy, Cache>Clear) and everything should be fine.