Web History


Hi installed CCleaner on mz pc, but some web site still appear, I loaded this to try to remove these web sites but the are always on my browser.

I tried deleting history from the tools, internet options, delete files cookies.

I also went to regedit and removing HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs and deleted these?

This still does not rid of some sites certains sites, these sites have been on the pc since i bought it and never go away, is just puzzling me how to delete them?

when i type www. and use certain letter these site come up always

Any Ideas anyone

thank if anyone know


I'm not saying this is 100% for sure or not. But, could be adware/spyware...


If I have read your post properly, then it sounds like you might have the same problem as someone in a previous topic.

See this topic.


Sounds like it might be a start-up item to me, but I could be wrong. Either that or it's God punishing you for your sins. :P

Download, install and run HijackThis.exe


go to Config, the Miscellaneous Tools, and locate Generate Startup List log, run it, and paste a copy of the log file provided here:


An excellent analysis will be offered that will help you determine whether your problem concerns a start-up process. Before acting on anything, however, I'd let one of the experts at spywarewarrior.com offers his or her assessment of the situation also.

Good luck!


sweetasswisschocolate ignore the above post for now. Do not play with hijack this without proper instruction. Try what Capman said first and let me know if that fixes your problem.

sweetasswisschocolate ignore the above post for now. Do not play with hijack this without proper instruction. Try what Capman said first and let me know if that fixes your problem.

Have you read the problem the same way I have then rridgely.

I think thats more than likely it. If not than he will need to run adaware, spybot ect. I just didnt want that person to use that automated hjt log scanner. It gives off many false positives and wont even identify all of the malware.

Good reasoning, by the way it is a he, his name Colin was at the bottom of his post.

Hi jlowell

by going to www.spywarewarrior.com/files/HijackThis.exe has worked, i no longer have the web sites coming up, it worked.

thank you very much :rolleyes::)



Sounds like it might be a start-up item to me, but I could be wrong. Either that or it's God punishing you for your sins. :P

Download, install and run HijackThis.exe


go to Config, the Miscellaneous Tools, and locate Generate Startup List log, run it, and paste a copy of the log file provided here:


An excellent analysis will be offered that will help you determine whether your problem concerns a start-up process. Before acting on anything, however, I'd let one of the experts at spywarewarrior.com offers his or her assessment of the situation also.

Good luck!



Do not play with hijack this without proper instruction.

There was something "improper" about my instructions, or simply something simply different than the choice you may have made in the circumstances? Come on now.



There was something "improper" about my instructions, or simply something simply different than the choice you may have made in the circumstances? Come on now.


It wasnt a shot at you. Sorry if you felt like that. I'm not a master with HJT and never claimed to be. What I do know is that you can disable things that shouldnt be. Thats why its better to let someone look at your logs than have an automated scanner. I tried that site that you put up a while ago and all of the things that it had question marks for were malware and some of the ones it had an exclamation point for were from my AV. I have learned from seeing all of the new people that come through here that not all of them have tried the antispyware programs like ad aware and spybot. So I wasnt trying to say you were wrong but HJT comes last as you can see by Taruns first response to almost every HJT log.