WCTR Windows XP Tweaking v2.0

Just dropping a line here to let you know about a Windows XP tweaking guide I've made. You're probably thinking, "why are you posting about this here?". Well because I mention CCleaner in the tweaking guide and because of that I felt like I should let the CCleaner community know CCleaner rocks. Take a look at the guide because it has lots of useful information for even the seasoned tweaking veteren. Anyways, here it is.

Whistling Cricket Windows XP Tweaking v2.0

Nice guide, I learned a few new things. That's always good, after reading the guide I noticed I didn't have Downloaded Installations in the forums. I added it months ago, but I must have missed it when I redid some stuff. I added it in the Add a program to winapp2.ini.

Wow, thats really good.

Im going to have to go over itwhen I have some spare time.