I heard with Windows Vista you have a volume control that control volumes of different things. If you are playing a game you can turn the volume down for that game only using Vista's volume control settings (without lowering the master volume). So, I was wondering does anyone know about a program that does the same thing for Window XP?
Thanks for a response.
I find that Volumouse works quite well as I have it set up to control the Master volume by holding down the Alt key and rotating the mouse wheel to the volume I like:
It can be programmed to control up to 6 Volume control settings.
Not quite what I was looking for, but it's one of the good alternatives for Windows Volume Control.
Check Power Mixer. Using it you can control the sound volume with your mouse wheel and with hot keys. Power Mixer has a nice on-screen display that helps to adjust volume visually.
In case you haven't noticed, the post you have replied to is a year old.
...and that Power Mixer program isn't freeware either.