What have you had better experience with, VMWare or Microsoft Virtual PC
What have you had better experience with, VMWare or Microsoft Virtual PC
I useto use them a few years ago and VMWare was usually better for unix/linux installs, not sure about now.
I useto use them a few years ago and VMWare was usually better for unix/linux installs, not sure about now.
Same, same
Back when I had a Power Mac 8500, Virtual PC was slow as hell. I have no idea how it is now. Matter of fact, I'd rather it stayed the hell away from me altogether.
Have used free VMWare server 1.06 and 1.08. Ver. 2x was just too much trouble.
I like VMware. It does slow you down, but actually not bad. Once it is up and running, its pretty fast. Suggest making a batch file to start and stop the required services so they only run when you need'em.
Cannot use MS virtual machine, it requires WXP pro for the host OS, I have WXP home. Some say pro isn't required, but MS VM would not install here.
Talk about security: a sandbox running in a virtual machine on a host machine running returnil. I think Humpty first mentioned something like that a while back.