Bear in mind it is work in progress but it is functional for me. (built in spell checker for 'functunal'!!)
Inspect element (dragonfly) still available.
Image properties (where you can click on an image and it tells you which make of camera took the picture etc, not available yet)
Screenie 1 shows what you see clicking on the icon next to a loaded site in the address bar. Screenie 2 shows how you can allow or deny the cookies. All built in by default.
Worth a run out Andavari just for a test. Just use the tech preview.
I'll wait for them to come out with the first stable release version, and hopefully have a full add-ons/plugins base to work with it too that's also stable.
A quote from the developer gives hope that they will keep to their original vision.
"Fast forward to 2015, the browser we once loved has changed its direction. Sadly, it is no longer serving its community of users and contributors who helped build the browser in the first place.
I'll wait for them to come out with the first stable release version, and hopefully have a full add-ons/plugins base to work with it too that's also stable.
Wait. That's a good idea.
For some reason this release installs to an unusual path:
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe
Had a problem here, could not get the Vivaldi.exe process to quit.
- procexp by sysinternals won't kill it
- KillProcess.exe by orangelamp won't kill it
- killbox.exe (pocket killbox) won't kill it
- unlocker did delete it
- the uninstaller leaves lots of junk in the above path.
Well they can learn to not be like Chrome putting stuff in those deeply buried paths which can cause issues like you've discovered. I stated I'll wait for a stable build, well now it will have to be a stable portable build so I can place it in a more logical path.
Tech preview 2 is at the link in post 1, it is version TP2.
They say they publish a new working version each Monday.
Is that what you mean?
No, but I missed that anyway so thanks.
What I wanted to know (if any does) is have they announced a timeframe for when the first non-beta release - the first 'bug-free' feature-rich version will go live?
Not sure about you guys' reasons, but 4 me it was difficult (not 2 say ridiculous ) to accept Opera's packaging of Chromium... Or, anyone else's for that matter *cough* Google Chrome. Looking forward to this!.. As my alternate browser, to MSIE.
Blah, just kidding, ofc., meh. Firefox is primary (until they completely destroy it, 2), Mozilla FTW.