Visual Basic 6 Runtimes errors


When starting up CCleaner with the "MSVBVM60.DLL or other Visual Basic related error message" you are are presented with the option to download the Visual Basic 6 Runtimes from Microsoft

Take Care:

these runtime libraries are the Service Pack 5 libraries of Visual Basic and they are NOT for WinXP SP2.

If you are running WinXP you need the Service Pack 6 version of Visual Basic:

Visual Basic 6 service pack 6

"I Edited out the statement that this will corrupt your WinXp because that is not true"

Solution: Fix CCleaner MSVBVM60.DLL crash errors - Also fixes other VB related errors.

Solution: fix the link presented by crapcleaner

Windows XP doesn't use Visual Basic run-times. Visual Basic programs do.

the link should be fixed though

the link should be fixed though

i was only trying to help improve a highly appreciated piece of freeware

sorry if i went about it the wrong way

same here; I abused you in the other thread, my apologies.

N.P. :D

my apologies for adding some unintended confusion to the "regisrty messed up" thread

(just delete my postings in that thread if you like)