This is a problem, when deleting files in TEMP folder.
CCleaner v2.30.1130 are deleting files (xxxxxxLog.ini) in folder "Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Temp\".
It cause "error message" when you make next boot in the computer.
I don't know why it is happend, and can't undertand how those files (.ini) where set in that folder.
Those files (.ini) where created when I made updates in motherboard drivers.
To correct I made "restauration" in the system and turn those files (.ini) as hide.
It would be better to make those files part of tools>exclude instead of "hiding" them. . . do you know what program is creating these files??? Also it is better to start a new thread and not to piggy back (post into someone elses thread a un/semi-related question)
Hi Friends, I am Cine and I have read your site in a very deep and I would like to appreciate you on this brilliant effort. You have provided some thing so much different that I can't have words for thanks.