Vista Snipping Tool stops running after CCleaner cleaning

Every time I run CCleaner, the Win Vista snipping tool no longer works and I have to re-install it. CCleaner is obviously deleting a file (or files) needed by the snipping tool but I have no idea which one(s). Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: This happens after running the standard cleaning function, not the registry scan. I should also state I have the latest version installed. (Maybe I should have posted this in the Bugs section, as it affects a Windwos component...)


Every time I run CCleaner, the Win Vista snipping tool no longer works and I have to re-install it. CCleaner is obviously deleting a file (or files) needed by the snipping tool but I have no idea which one(s). Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: This happens after running the standard cleaning function, not the registry scan. I should also state I have the latest version installed. (Maybe I should have posted this in the Bugs section, as it affects a Windwos component...)


Hello benjamin,

Start the CCleaner. In the Applications tab do you see the application you are referring to.Uncheck the related box.

Good Luck,

:) davey

P.S. If this is a standard Vista function this may not work.

If you go....

Control panel

Classic view

Program and features

Turn windows features on or off

Select tablet optional features

is snip available there to re-enable?

Believe it can be accessed also in the start menu (I don't have vista) start, all programs,accessories. Perhaps unticking start menu shortcuts for a trial?

Use system restore to get it back if all else fails.

If you can identify the files or folders, you can exclude them from the cleaner in the options Tab.

It's at C\windows\system32\SnippingTool.exe I believe

Deleted by Disk4mat

The snipping tool also relies on some files located in: C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink

I've ben using CC with Vista Business and have never had any problems like this. Did you add anything under Options>Include that might be causing the problem? Also hazelnut's suggestion should work to re-enable the tool. Uncheck Tablet PC Optional Components click Ok and go back and turn the feature on.

That's strange--I'm running Vista Business too, and this happens every time. I do reinstall via the CP. What happens is that I get a pop-up stating the snipping tool is no longer installed but it is--it just won't run.

Thanks for all the replies.

Hello benjamin,

Start the CCleaner. In the Applications tab do you see the application you are referring to.Uncheck the related box.

Good Luck,

:) davey

P.S. If this is a standard Vista function this may not work.

Good thought but since it's a Windows feature and not a separate application, it isn't listed.

As DiskFormat suggested, I ran the CCleaner in analysis mode (because I know snipping will be disabled if I actually run the program--it always happens). Does anyone have any idea which projected deletion is the culprit? They all seem fine/unrelated to me, so I am perplexed.

Thanks again!

IE Temporary Internet Files (632 files) 3.76MB

[bunch of cookies]

Marked for deletion: C:\Users\Vista\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat

Marked for deletion: C:\Users\Vista\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat

C:\Users\Vista\AppData\Local\Temp\96018.od 134 bytes

C:\Users\Vista\AppData\Local\Temp\CVR7712.tmp.cvr 0 bytes

C:\Users\Vista\AppData\Local\Temp\Vista.bmp 31.09KB

C:\Users\Vista\AppData\Local\Temp\wmplog00.sqm 1.31KB

C:\Users\Vista\AppData\Local\Temp\Word8.0\ShockwaveFlashObjects.exd 14.40KB

C:\Windows\Debug\UserMode\ChkAcc.log 0 bytes

[bunch of cookies]

[Firefox cache]

C:\Users\Vista\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office\Recent\[whole bunch of recent files]

Perhaps you should try the process of elimination. Clear all settings in the cleaner tab, windows and applications. Then restore your settings one at a time. Run the cleaner and test the snipping tool each time you restore an item. When the tool no longer runs, you will have narrowed it down. The Snipping tool does use the clipboard. I am running Window Vista Home Premium with no problems. CCleaner v2.05.555

I dont see anything in the log that would be a problem. Jamin4u has an excellent idea. Give that a try.

Perhaps you should try the process of elimination. Clear all settings in the cleaner tab, windows and applications. Then restore your settings one at a time. Run the cleaner and test the snipping tool each time you restore an item. When the tool no longer runs, you will have narrowed it down. The Snipping tool does use the clipboard. I am running Window Vista Home Premium with no problems. CCleaner v2.05.555

Yes, I guess I should do that. Thanks for the good suggestion!

I dont see anything in the log that would be a problem. Jamin4u has an excellent idea. Give that a try.

I agree. It's really very strange. Will give the process of elimination a try.

I've had no luck tracking down the source of this issue. I wonder if it could be related to my running Vista SP1 on this computer? Thanks to all for the suggestions.

Problem fixed in Vista SP1 RTM--seems to have been an issue confined to RC1.

Thanks all,
