I have been using CC for sometime now and I stumbbed upon something, may be nothing. My PC was running very slow (using vista ultimate), I thought I have a virus or spyware but nothing showing up after scanning. So after faffing about abit I went to MS onecare Vista beta online safetyscanner, so I ran it...after the scanning it found no spyware or virues, it did not require a defrag, but what was interesting was I had over 1GB of temp of files that required to be deleted.
I thought hang on a minute I just run CC and it found 23mb of files, so my question is why did CC not clean these files, is there a setting I am missing within CC, is it my PC or is it a bug in CC. Maybe someone that is running Vista could run Onecare online beta and see what their results would be....I would also like to resolve the matter why CC is not Cleaning properly. Cheers and thanks in advance for a super wee bit of software.
Thanks Glen for the reply, Onecare indicated that the files were temp internet files, I dont have any other peps using this computer. I did see the option older than 48 hours, which is ticked so I will take your advice and untick it and see if it makes a difference. I am not a fan of onecare, I only tried it as who knows Vista better that Mr Gates and if there was something that I was missing or that my software was missing (virus, adware etc..) i wanted to know especially when you computor is running very slow.
We all strive for quick, reliable, and virus free computing and if someone spots a bug or is unsure about something I think its best to ask on the software manufactors forum, which may help someone that is in dout, in this case me.
So I thank you for taking the time to post an answer, cause if it was not for the likes of you and others we would not be able to sort some of the issues with software all over the world, that makes the the likes of CC even BETTER. Cheers Glen have a good St Paddys week-end if you celebrate it up in Canada....
... Onecare indicated that the files were temp internet files ...
In CC, is Options > Advanced > Show detailed log of Internet Explorer / Firefox/Mozilla temporary files enabled? I don't know if this will affect the "XXMB to be removed" but it will show the full list of filenames.
Also, close the browser(s) before running CC.
... I will take your advice and untick it and see if it makes a difference.
I suggest that you just run "Analyse" so that, if CC will clean more, you can see the list first. It's normally a good idea to have the "48 hour" box ticked. If you are doing a software install/update, some temp files may need to be there during your next reboot and if you mistakenly run CC before then ...