Vista Host Error

Sorry all, I previously posted this question in the wrong forum. Still learning the computer world. :blink:

I recently installed my HP Photosmart All in one C720 series printer and a day later I got the following error message:


I am not sure how to track down what is causing this error to appear and the message does not give me much information. Does anyone know what the error may be caused by if it's even the printer or how I can find out what is causing the error?

Thanks a bunch



That should read C7280 series

The Host process for windows services can relate to one of several svchost.exe running at the one time.

The error message could and should be a bit more specific but that's ms for you.


You could have a look in services for any that are set to automatic and have stopped or check through the Event Viewer which may have some extra info on the prob.

Both Services and Event Viewer can be accessed through Control Panel - Adminstrative Tools.

I checked out the MS solution centre and found that it is in fact the HP software. It indicates the follow errors have occured:

1. Device stopped working; Appcrash occured. This has happened three times since I installed the software.

2. Service Hang Report; Service HP CUE DeviceDiscovery service hung on starting. This has happened twice since I installed the software.

GRRR...I recently had to restore to factory defaults twice because my PC kept losing communication with my monitor and I was told it was a software issue. Now I am installing each software one at a time to try to figure out which was causing the problem and now I am running into new problems. <_<

Does the HP problem sound like one that may require a removal of the software? Will removing the software and installing only the basic drivers work or is it even worth trying?


I checked out the MS solution centre and found that it is in fact the HP software. It indicates the follow errors have occured:

1. Device stopped working; Appcrash occured. This has happened three times since I installed the software.

2. Service Hang Report; Service HP CUE DeviceDiscovery service hung on starting. This has happened twice since I installed the software.

GRRR...I recently had to restore to factory defaults twice because my PC kept losing communication with my monitor and I was told it was a software issue. Now I am installing each software one at a time to try to figure out which was causing the problem and now I am running into new problems. <_<

Does the HP problem sound like one that may require a removal of the software? Will removing the software and installing only the basic drivers work or is it even worth trying?



What shows in CCleaner Tools > Setup for HP ?.

Make sure all your connections are good at each end.

Also what HP programs show in the Task Manager ?

:) davey

After reading a thread here it seems this is a printer with software problems

Thanks Hazelnut.

I did get in contact with HP and they provided me with one of the solutions listed on that forum you provided. I have attempted the solution and am awaiting the results.

Davey, I have checked CCleaner and under the startup menu it shows HP Software update, hpqSRmon and HP digital imaging monitor .ink. My computer is connected via the wonderful world of wireless :wub:

I have reviewed the task manager and I am not sure if you want me to check under processes or services but each has several HP programs.

Completely unrelated to this issue, as it still happens when I uninstalled the software, it appears that on booting up my PC any time I attempt to complete an action the thinking icon goes on and on....and on until I hit ctrl + alt + del and attempt to access the task manager. I am confused :wacko: What could possibly be causing my newest dilema?

Thanks Hazelnut.

I did get in contact with HP and they provided me with one of the solutions listed on that forum you provided. I have attempted the solution and am awaiting the results.

Davey, I have checked CCleaner and under the startup menu it shows HP Software update, hpqSRmon and HP digital imaging monitor .ink. My computer is connected via the wonderful world of wireless :wub:

I have reviewed the task manager and I am not sure if you want me to check under processes or services but each has several HP programs.

Completely unrelated to this issue, as it still happens when I uninstalled the software, it appears that on booting up my PC any time I attempt to complete an action the thinking icon goes on and on....and on until I hit ctrl + alt + del and attempt to access the task manager. I am confused :wacko: What could possibly be causing my newest dilema?

I first wanted to be sure it connected properly.

Then see if it was set-up to connect to HP. You know, the hopefully only needed for awhile phone home and report stats and problems and download the latest software thing. Later when it is stable then you can disable the phone home stuff.

Unfortunately, the fix requires the HP uninstall process. Sorry for you that is. Why HP still has to put hooks into everything is beyond me.

They should have a home-owner version that doesn't include all the excess baggage that causes all the problems.

HP certainly has changed compared to their old reputation. Great hardware is useless with lousy software. When will they learn that ?

Now, what is the thinking icon that you describe? I haven't used Vista so maybe it is something I am interested to learn about.

How long ago did you install this HP software and hardware?

With Vista it may be easier to do a System Restore back prior to these problems.

That way you are starting off fresh.

Besides that I think you need a rest from this.

:) davey

P.S. You are doing the right thing by installing things one at a time.

Is that thinking icon a "yellow light bulb" ?

Why HP still has to put hooks into everything is beyond me.

They have good quality printers/scanners, however the biggest downfall has always been their bloated and buggy as hell software.

Note that if it's a startup application like perhaps "HP Digital Imaging Monitor" that HP has put into say perhaps "Start->All Programs->Startup" you can typically move that shortcut and it won't necessarily cause any problems with the software. Plus it will save valuable system resources since the printer/scanner isn't in full use 100% of the time, thus a startup application for it really isn't necessary.

When I bought and set up my HP PC back in 2000 (which came with WinME) it stated in its manual that HP was no longer supporting Windows OS's. Any of them. That should give you an idea how committed HP is toward resolving issues between their products and Microsoft.

I had huge problems with a HP all-in-one printer. I purchased it figuring it would be the best option for my HP computer. It was a less than pleasant experience that sent me running back to the store for a refund. It slowed my computer to a crawl. 50% of the time it printed. The rest of the time it required multiple retries. The only solution HP was able to give was to reinstall the software. Why should I have to reinstall the software every day jut to make a few prints??? I now have a Brother. It gives me no grief - except for telling me I am out of ink when I'm not - I can live with that.

My advice is, if it isn't too late, get a refund and find yourself something that works made by a company that offers real support.

Good luck to you.

HP Pavilion - PentiumĀ® 4CPU

160GB HDD 512 MB RAM

Windows XP SP2 Home

I now have a Brother. It gives me no grief - except for telling me I am out of ink when I'm not - I can live with that.
I have a Brother MFC-24C All-in-One FAX/printer/scanner that keeps complaining that it is out of ink and when I check the ink level application I see that the cartridges are 1/2 full still.

I had people come to me to print pictures and I found that sucked up ink faster than a baseball pitcher's fast ball and the people expected for me to print them for peanuts if not free.

When I had to get replacement cartridges they would have cost me more than what I paid for the unit so I took them to a local refill place and they refilled them for about 1/10th the cost.

Now I give them the address of a local printing place and let them go there to have the prints done.

Well I wanted to let everyone know how this issue is being resolved. I have managed to resolve two of the errors and I am still working on one.

In order to get rid of the Service HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service hung on starting for the HP Photosmart All in One 7280 series I did the following:

1) Click on the "Start Menu" icon on the bottom left corner of the screen , type "services.msc" in the "Start Search" edit box, and hit enter. This will trigger Vista to pop-up a "User Account Control" dialog to prompt for permission to continue. Click "Continue" to allow Vista to open the Services management console application.

2) The Services management console application is made up of 2 panels. The right panel contains a list of all services available on the system. Scroll thru this list and look for a service called "HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service".

3) Right-click on "HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service" and select "Properties" to open the "HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service Properties" dialog.

4) From the "HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service Properties" dialog, click on the "General" tab. If the "Service status" shows that the service has started, click on the "Stop" button to force the service to stop.

5) Change the "Start type" to "Disabled" and click on the "OK" button on the bottom of the dialog to apply the changes.

and the following:

1.Go to Computer,

2.Right click & select Properties.

3.Choose the Advanced panel. Click the first Settings button, in the Performance Section.

4.Choose the Data Execution Prevention panel.

5.Choose the first radio button, "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only

Now I just need to find the solution for the continuing application crashes and my printer software issue will be resolved. Wooo Hooo :ph34r:

Thanks for everyone's help on this one. I love this site!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:

Well I wanted to let everyone know how this issue is being resolved. I have managed to resolve two of the errors and I am still working on one.

In order to get rid of the Service HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service hung on starting for the HP Photosmart All in One 7280 series I did the following:

1) Click on the "Start Menu" icon on the bottom left corner of the screen , type "services.msc" in the "Start Search" edit box, and hit enter. This will trigger Vista to pop-up a "User Account Control" dialog to prompt for permission to continue. Click "Continue" to allow Vista to open the Services management console application.

2) The Services management console application is made up of 2 panels. The right panel contains a list of all services available on the system. Scroll thru this list and look for a service called "HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service".

3) Right-click on "HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service" and select "Properties" to open the "HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service Properties" dialog.

4) From the "HP CUE DeviceDiscovery Service Properties" dialog, click on the "General" tab. If the "Service status" shows that the service has started, click on the "Stop" button to force the service to stop.

5) Change the "Start type" to "Disabled" and click on the "OK" button on the bottom of the dialog to apply the changes.

and the following:

1.Go to Computer,

2.Right click & select Properties.

3.Choose the Advanced panel. Click the first Settings button, in the Performance Section.

4.Choose the Data Execution Prevention panel.

5.Choose the first radio button, "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only

Now I just need to find the solution for the continuing application crashes and my printer software issue will be resolved. Wooo Hooo :ph34r:

Thanks for everyone's help on this one. I love this site!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:


The feeling is mutual. :wub: We love all our true members. (The spammers and scammers are not true members.)

You have provided good info for other members also.

There are some easier ways to do some of the things that you have mentioned but you sure have learned much in a very short period.

We always appreciate members feed back.

You keep coming back !!!

:) davey