
I get this message after i scanned my computer with Antivir:

"The file imscan.dll contains signature of the Micro-128© virus"

Is really a virus?


send it here:

According to here yes, dam man your infested get away from me(joking of course :D ).

Discovery Date: 08/01/1991

No, you couldn't possibly be infected. I think that's a false positive.

I think that's a false positive.

Probably is, AntiVir is known for giving false positive's.

You can upload the file to then let it scan if it can detect anything.

Thread necromancer.

jotti is better.


Thanks for the link, jotti seems pretty great.

Does jotti scan archives, such as rar?

Edit: Nevermind it scanned a zip file. Now to notify Esset and Grisoft about a false positive.