Just tried to download CCleaner and my virus pgm found one and the download never continued.
Am I the only one?
Just tried to download CCleaner and my virus pgm found one and the download never continued.
Am I the only one?
I've never had a problem. Which version of CC? Which download site? Which anti-virus progaram?Just tried to download CCleaner and my virus pgm found one and the download never continued.Am I the only one?
I've never had a problem. Which version of CC? Which download site? Which anti-virus progaram?
It was the latest version of CC, the Hippo sit plus the alternative, and f-prot. The first virus I have seen on my PC in years.
It was the latest version of CC, the Hippo sit plus the alternative, and f-prot. The first virus I have seen on my PC in years.
False positive ... known problem with F-Secure according to several posts such as this article
False positive ... known problem with F-Secure according to several posts such as this article
Thanks. I tried this morning at Afterdawn, got the same virus at start of download with f-prot, but was able to continue with Opera after clearing the virus check. Subsequent virus check on installer on desktop also supposedly found the virus, but was able to delete it from the installer by f-prot.
Kind of unnerving, but I guess all is well.
Thanks again.