Virus from download Ccleaner filehippo


I am very very new to forums, but I wanted to share that I got a report of a virus trojan dropper something when I downloaded Ccleaner from

I use Antivir XP the latest version.

So if any of you guys have the power, or knowledge to wipe out a virus from that download, please do so.

I hope I have contributed to the peace and welfare, of computers, and that this post was meaningful and not disturbing anyone.

Bye Yo all :rolleyes:

Its a false positive. CCleaner does not contain any viruses or spyware. :)

I would also like to tell you that antivir is a very poor program. I would suggest you look at the following.(the first link being preferred.)

Etrust free 1 year

AVG Free edition

;) ........not free but if you want the best............


I am very very new to forums, but I wanted to share that I got a report of a virus trojan dropper something when I downloaded Ccleaner from

I use Antivir XP the latest version.

So if any of you guys have the power, or knowledge to wipe out a virus from that download, please do so.

I hope I have contributed to the peace and welfare, of computers, and that this post was meaningful and not disturbing anyone.

Bye Yo all :rolleyes:

i found the same thing... unsing antivir i deleted the troj. and program seemed to do ok...

i also note that when i went back to just download ver.126 unless i kept 127.b it redownload the beta version again




hmm, I've never had a problem with CCleaner, thousands have downloaded without a problem ;)

It might be a coincidence that a trojan attacked your computer around the time you downloaded CCleaner....

Over 14 million downloads!!! :D And no viruses.

There many other ways that you could have gotten infected. Probably not CCleaner. It's a good thing that you caught it!


Yeah, and also, Filehippo is virus and spyware free. I download nearly everything from them, and never have any problems. I agree with zaphirer; it must have been a coincidence, as strange as that sounds.

maybe like other antivirus applications that detect something wrong with CCleaner earlier...?


Another new boy.... I have just downloaded the latest beta version available on SOFTPEDIA, having previously upgraded as things developed.

I use the free Zone ALarm firewall which on THREE different attempts refused access to what it described as a virulent TROJAN... TR/Drop.purity.BU.1.

The programme still downloaded after denial of this bit and SEEMS to be working properly... as usual.

Brian Hopwood


Another new boy.... I have just downloaded the latest beta version available on SOFTPEDIA, having previously upgraded as things developed.

I use the free Zone ALarm firewall which on THREE different attempts refused access to what it described as a virulent TROJAN... TR/Drop.purity.BU.1.

The programme still downloaded after denial of this bit and SEEMS to be working properly... as usual.

Brian Hopwood

If you downloaded beta 2, it has to be the new toolbar that MrG added. Death to toolbars! Actually, I haven't used it yet, so I can't go too hard on it, but it takes sooo much space... :(

If you downloaded beta 2, it has to be the new toolbar that MrG added. Death to toolbars! Actually, I haven't used it yet, so I can't go too hard on it, but it takes sooo much space... :(

1.32MB is too much space? :unsure:

Its a false positive. CCleaner does not contain any viruses or spyware. :)

I would also like to tell you that antivir is a very poor program. I would suggest you look at the following.(the first link being preferred.)

Etrust free 1 year

AVG Free edition

Why is AntiVir a very poor program?


Why is AntiVir a very poor program?

I tried it on a machine and it missed a few viruses that Etrust caught. Plus it had a little trouble removing them.(it didnt)

It dosent have automatic updates, email scanning, and it wont scan specific folders. The residential protection is not up to par either.

1.32MB is too much space? :unsure:

For one feature, yes. That one little toolbar (which apparently most people don't even use/like) more than doubles the size of the installer. Sure, under 2 megs is very tiny, but when you consider that the toolbar alone is over 56% of the installer's size, yes, it is a very big deal.

From version 1.26-1.27 beta 1, both a file shredder and Hotfix uninstaller remover were added, and both features together only added 5k to the download size! Plus, these are both widely requested features that everyone has been waiting a long time for.

Now, a Yahoo! toolbar is added, which to the best of my knowledge no one has requested, and it adds a whopping 740k to the download size! You see my reason for concern? It isn't so much the total size, as it the comparative size, and the fact that there was little or no demand for it.

I hope that this isn't a picture of the future of CCleaner. If it is, count me out; I'll stick with 1.26. :(

Now, a Yahoo! toolbar is added, which to the best of my knowledge no one has requested, and it adds a whopping 740k to the download size! You see my reason for concern? It isn't so much the total size, as it the comparative size, and the fact that there was little or no demand for it.

I'm guessing the popularity of the app led MrG to do that... he's probably making a chunk of change, but I wonder what people in general will think about it :mellow:

Why is AntiVir a very poor program?

In the past with the old version 6 it would have been tons of false positives, even on harmless batch files with the deltree command in them.

I tested version 7 and must say it has went from a so-so third rated freeware av scanner to a very good one that actually has less clutter and annoyances versus AVG and Avast. If anyone wants to rudely put AntiVir 7 down they need to download it and give a go before bad mouthing it without actually ever trying it!

I'd actually consider using Antivir 7 since the GUI looks very good and is on par with eTrust EZAV when it comes to ease-of-use, however currently nothing comes close to eTrust EZAV's long time ICSA Labs certified detection and cleaning performance, let alone the scanning speed. And according to this thread AntiVir did well according to the c't magazine of Germany.

Yeah, and also, Filehippo is virus and spyware free. I download nearly everything from them, and never have any problems. I agree with zaphirer; it must have been a coincidence, as strange as that sounds.

The trojans wouldn't dare go near this avatar: arsenio_hall.gif

The trojans wouldn't dare go near this avatar: arsenio_hall.gif

And all this time I figured I just had a really good firewall...