I am having diffuiculty with recovered JPG files - they are all recovered from excellent source with no overwritten clusters, they all appear to recover correctly. However the recovered files cannot be viewed and give blank thumbnails when set out in explorer. Other file types appear to recover fine.
What does the header look like in the recovered jpgs? (well, just one will do.) Does it start FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 49 46 00? The first 4 bytes should be the same as that string.
I am having diffuiculty with recovered JPG files - they are all recovered from excellent source with no overwritten clusters, they all appear to recover correctly. However the recovered files cannot be viewed and give blank thumbnails when set out in explorer. Other file types appear to recover fine.
Can you advise please.
I am having exactly the same problem. 400 photos recovered from a card used only once. Quality of recovered files listed as excellent, but none will open with any programme - Photoshop CS3, Irfanview, etc. Typical file name is _MG_4156.CR2 (i.e. RAW files from Canon camera)
I am having diffuiculty with recovered JPG files - they are all recovered from excellent source with no overwritten clusters, they all appear to recover correctly. However the recovered files cannot be viewed and give blank thumbnails when set out in explorer. Other file types appear to recover fine.
Can you advise please.
Well this was a problem on the earlier version of Recuva, it would recover the file but it had 0 bytes. This was corrected on the later versions. I haven't tried it for a while but it worked ok after the bug was fixed.
Well I've just tried it out twice. I put 2 jpg files on a flash drive then deleted them. Ran Recuva on the flash drive and as normal it finds hundreds of files but very few are green/good. Now I've added nothing else the the drive but to 2 jpg's I deleted one is showing orange and one is showing red. I did the same again then the results are the same. One orange and one red so they won't recover.
If you look at the info on the 2 jpg files it says orange has been overwriten with a txt file which I used last year and was deleted last year. The red one has been overwritten with a zip file I added to the drive earlier tonight. How can that happen? I added the zip 2 hours ago and I just added 2 jpg files and deleted them. But the zip file has overwritten the jpg. I don't know it there is some confusion ove this Favorites.zip that I added as there was a previous Favorites.zip on there and I overwrite that one.
Now I've just put 2 large bmp files on there and deleted them and it recovered them ok, strange.
I wouldn't put too much faith in these indicators, that's all they are. The proof is in the actual recovery.
Perhaps in the case of Orange both the old deleted text file and the newly deleted test file occupy the same location on the flash drive, but you would have thought that Recuva could have recognised that the new file was indeed the newest: or maybe not.
Flash drives are peculiar that they use what I think is called levelling, where the data is written to all areas of the drive to spread wear equally. Are files moved as a background task? Disk drives are as bad, all sorts of things going off when you're not looking. This stuff is too clever for it's own good.
We've updated Recuva to include support for recovering deleted music from your iPod. So if you've accidently lost a single track or an entire iPod - then Recuva will be able to get it back for you!
Added support for iPods.
Fixed rare crash that could happen on certain JPGs in deep scan.
Language DLLs are now stored in /lang folder.
Fixed minor resizing issue with Launch wizard button.