Hi guys... so last night i was playing WOW and all of the sudden my screen froze picture got all messed up and it wont respond to any commands not even Ctrl+Alt+Delete... when i took the side of my computer and touched the video card it was REALLY HOT after i let it cool down a little i was able to load the computer again.. after like 4 minutes the same thing happend lost all the colors on the screen and i had to press reset to rebut.. so guys before im running to buy a new video card tell me what you think thank you...

You don't say what your OS is, or what your video card is.

However if it's an NVIDIA you may want to upgrade your drivers if you're using the bad set they released not to long ago.

OO yea sorry My OS is a Windows Vista home.. and video card IS GeForce 8800 GTX 512MB... i tried updating new drivers but it didn't seem to help.. even when i started you tube video my screen looses color and freezes

Remove the side and blast the strongest fan you have into it to see if it helps. Has the cards fan stopped working?

Remove the side and blast the strongest fan you have into it to see if it helps. Has the cards fan stopped working?

I will thats a good idea i will do that.. thank you