Veteran's Day

To all the Veterans past on present-

Although today is set aside specifically to honor Veterans past and present, every day we are all reminded of the freedom, opportunities, and quality of life that is only possible because of the commitment, devotion to duty, and above all the personal sacrifice of the members of the Armed Services, their families, and friends. If not for you, we would not be who we are today and we are forever grateful and in your debt.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you as we hope for the success of your mission, your health and safety, and above all your safe return.

Thank you


I m might not condone the current war in Iraq, but i just hope those troops return home safe.

I was honestly suprised to see such a thread. Well done. I think Veterans Day goes by largely unbserved but I do feel that that is slowly changing with curent events. As a Vet myself I truely appreciate the gesture. :D

I think things have changed, and people can now separate the soldier and the politics. I am in Pensacola now, and it was a big day here. Blue Angels and parade.

I think you people are great and doing a great service to the Veterans by recognizing them on their special day by posting on the Forum.

I am a disabled Vet. I served my country for more than 20 years. I'm also one of those that got Eggs, Sh**, and cursed at San Francisco when we returned. Just to hear one person acknowledge the many that survived and the thousands that did not is a very good feeling.

Just to hear one person acknowledge the many that survived and the thousands that did not is a very good feeling.


People don't realize just how many died during World Wars, Vietnam war, etc., neither did I until I was watching a program on t.v. not to long ago. So many have died that it would dwarf the population of many cities.

I have two uncles that served in the Vietnam war, and some other conflicts until they retired.