Having complete faith in CCleaner I decided to give Defraggler a go.
Choosing the normal Defrag option on 640GB data drive using less than 100GB, the program has been running 5 hours & counting, & is only 50% of the way complete.
System specs are not the problem, as my comp is plenty fast to run a defragging program.
What disappoints me the most is that when running a search, old forum threads show this issue had been raised by multiple people back in 2009, we are now in 2014 & the problem has STILL not been rectified? Very poor.
There are also a few "regulars" or developers on here that refuse to recognise there is an actual problem.
An initial full defrag with many defrag programs can be very slow as most move allot of files around using their own unique algorithms. However Defraggler is slow!
Defragmenting a few-million files is not a good solution because the computer would have to be turned on for 7 days because of the REALLY slow PROGRESS.
Maybe add an option: Stop the progress and resume at a later time defragmentation
Level of fragmentation is 0% but the program probably "organizes" (optimized) blocks?
There is the ability to stop a defrag, however resuming wouldn't make sense, as you would have caused mire fragments just by turning off and then on again the machine.