Version 5.40

Could someone please give me some advice? I am still using version 5.40 on my windows 8.1 computer with internet explorer 11 which I don't use ; what would be the best version for me? I use the Google chrome browser. I stuck with 5.40 because it worked the best with my computer it takes about 2 seconds to scan and I like that. Also, at that time all the other versions were not working correctly. Thanks

Will it hurt my computer if I stick with this Version? I have the history unticked and that is why it scans so fast; if it is ticked it takes a lot longer to scan. My computer works very well with this version I just want to make sure that chrome and I.E. 11 are cleaned. If there is a version now that would work well with my computer could someone let me know. Also, is there anyone else out there that still uses an older version? I just want what is the best for my computer. Thanks

I am still using 5.40 on a couple of my machines.

Other members use the latest versions.

It is really up to you, but if you say everything is working well for you then there should be no problem with you stopping om 5.40 at the moment.

As I said , it is personal choice.

If you're going to use an old version you'll need know of a couple bad bugs. There's things you shouldn't ever clean with an old version as it may damage your Windows installation.

Note what I'm listing below seems more Windows 10 related -- but still, I personally wouldn't chance using either of these on any Windows OS when using an old version of CCleaner.

Untick to disable the cleaning of:

* Font Cache

* Windows.old

You could try the latest version (or any other version you fancy) and if you don't like it then just reinstall 5.40 again.

Be aware that, as Andavari says, some of the versions have had issues and or bugs.

Be careful with the Avast offer if you are going to be installing and trying out various versions.

(I'd download the installer(s) then disconnect from the internet while installing it, and still be sure to untick the offer box each time).

You can get various versions from filehippo, look on the right of this page:

Thanks, for all the input!

Quick question how would I untick the font cache and windows.old? Meaning how do I get to the place where I would untick these two options?

Font Cache:

1. Open CCleaner, and in the Windows (tab) scroll down to: System

2. Untick: Font Cache

If you use ccleaner.ini instead of the registry for your CCleaner settings, you can also optionally exclude Font Cache by pasting in (example):



This will only show as available when the folder actually exists on the hard disk/SSD after a major Windows Upgrade. Since it isn't showing you can instead input C:\Windows.old as an exclusion in: Options > Exclude

Note: If it doesn’t let you input the exclusion just make a new C:\Windows.old folder so that it’s select-able via the CCleaner GUI.

If you use ccleaner.ini instead of the registry for your CCleaner settings, this will work to exclude it by pasting in (example):


If you input exclusions that will mean even if you accidentally enable/re-enable those cleaners they won't work at all, and thus you'll still have protection against any possible damage.



Some of those possibly system damaging bugs are the sole reason I decided to update to the newest version. The newest version really isn't all that bad.

If you decide to update to the newest version:

Open CCleaner and go into 'Options > Privacy' and make a decision.

Thanks just saw this.