Version 3.03 Apparent Bug

Versions 2.33 to 3.00.1303 worked fine on XP sp3. I missed v3.01. Version 3.02 and 3.03 leave index.dat. Tried everything. Stood on head. Reverted to version 3.00.1303 and index.dat reset to 32k, as should be, after restart. Bug? Note: FireFox and Chrome live on machine too.

Pepe Louis

If you search the forums there's been a little discussion about this already. It's not a bug but a change in the way Index.dat cleaning works in 3.02 onwards. The files are cleaned in situ at the time of the CCleaner run instead of being deleted/recreated at pc boot time, as in the older releases. So the size of the files will not change but the contents have gone.

I don't know why the Index.dat option shows no files to be cleaned, as I have no idea which of the many Index.dat files are cleaned and which aren't.