It would be awesome if you could include Veracrypt under the supported application, and the Smart Cleaning feature. This means that as soon as you unmount a drive and exit the application, smart cleaning do the job!
I thought the idea of Veracrypt and its parent Truecrypt was that their files could not be identfied as such. What part of VC do you want to clean?
That is correct, but when you open a container, the filenames (shortcuts) are stored automatically in the recent files location, along with the path-name of the file, so after I unmount a container, I have to manually run Ccleaner in order to delete those shortcuts, so there is no evidence of access to those hidden files.
That could well be true, but as I have disabled recent files I don't see them. You could try disabling your recent files, as it is unlikely to appear in CC soon, if ever.